I'm going on intuition here with the iron wire. I think there is a resistance factor in play, however, the thing ran cool to the touch at 12v for over an hour. Other observations include comparing a two & 1/2 inch ferrite rod compared to the ferrite flyback cores in the photo. Of the rods that I wind with iron wire and copper secondary exactly like the flyback cores, the ptp voltage peaks at a point even if a higher voltage is inputed. The flyback with iron wire primary under a copper secondary has the ptp voltage increasing right along with the input voltage and jumps up quickly in a better than exactly matching relationship to the input voltage. Circular effect to hold flux in I suppose. I need a hv oscope probe higher than 3kv now to see the relationship even at 12 volts. Gas is much better, even at 3-5 volts with this arrangement.......... running at 60ma with 12v in at 5.52khz, yet I still believe it to be normal electrolysis...
Is it fair game to add 1-10 meg ohm to the oscope probe and do some calculations to determine ptp voltage? I'd hate to bust the thing.