Author Topic: Free energy, disaster?  (Read 3919 times)

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Free energy, disaster?
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:59:58 am »

I'm starting to think that free energy would be of no good for the world in strict sense. Cause under the capitalistic system the prices of everything will goes down but also the salary of the people because our world predominant economic organization would have to prevent the collapse of the economy. People would have too much money so would buy lot more things and so would pollute even further than we are polluting right now. The ecological effect would be therefore reduced by this hungry of the tiger mankind. So there would be any benefit to mankind if industry still want to keep producing more and we all want to buy more than needed. Until we have a very different mentality about our needs, more energy can only increase the problem. The world is not prepared to it. The governments are not prepared for it. Until there is hungry of money and power there's can be no benefit from free energy. Even if seems a contradiction.

Those controlling our lives are not interest in our benefit, only at their profit. We can only make this good for the earth, and humankind if we have a mentality of non-developmentism.

Until we are all one, instead of some, there will be no good.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 04:41:51 am by sebosfato »

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« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2011, 04:54:53 am »
If the salaries goes down, mean directly that we increase the social inequality, thereto violence and hungry. As the money would have more value, those who detains lot of it would find themselves with even more power. This is dangerous to the world, this is the reason why no Gov. at all will let this to come out...  There could be too big crisis all over the world. Too risky to try.

We need to think a way to change the mentality of the people to set up the conditions for a global revolution. However a revolution needs historical context to happen. So until the people understand that we should stop the consumerism there will be war, hungry, slavery, sadness...

We are Living a lie, we should just take the benefits of our mistakes and start over again fresh.

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Re: Free energy, disaster?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 09:19:41 am »
yes this was pointed out in Stan Test Evaluation Report at the bottom of page 125!

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Re: Free energy, disaster?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2011, 13:16:11 pm »
I spent some time discussing with economists and sociologists, cause this kind of scientists study how the world is organized, so they can bring us a light to show if is possible to make free energy become a good thing instead of a bad for the humankind.

Stan knew it was a two side coin, however at his time this kind of discussion probably didn't took place  cause this speech is kind of depressing and based on hypothesis that could be wrong. The major problem is that it also could more probably be right.

Would free energy solve or increase the problem?

I believe is important that we discuss to find a way for changing the mentality of the people as much as is for we to discover how it work. Cause this is the reason behind we still don't have free energy!

One thing is certain, with old ideas we cannot create anything new. So we need to open this black boxes and create something knew, a new way of thinking. Otherwise we will only keep repeating the history. No universal truth exists.

Stan was very nationalist and in my opinion very inclined to socialism, thats why he kept affirming that is important to protect the military integrity, cause is the only way to have an organized, equal, peaceful and controlled world in the case it is made necessary by consequence of those adverse effects of free energy implementation.

When people understand that while they buy their ipods, they increase the loneliness and the segregation of the society. Almost everyone is only interest in their own. Everybody is looking straight ahead and can't see who is aside and don't even care.