Author Topic: Gas production time. HighVoltage vs LowVoltage SameCurrent  (Read 11123 times)

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Re: Gas production time. HighVoltage vs LowVoltage SameCurrent
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2011, 23:52:15 pm »
80 thousand volts didn't do anything with this setup, see photo.

Think of it this way.  You have a conductive wire.  You want this wire to be placed somewhere (in a field etc...) and completely destroy itself.

How can we do this without current flow from the source? 

By placing the wire across 130 volts dc we get the wire to burn up - destroy itself.  But the current flows from the source and causes this, not the voltage.

I have toyed with this idea for a long time and still don't have a good answer.

Perhaps in your example the choke and pulsing would prevent this high current surge and allow voltage to keep pulling on the molecules - however I am not that far yet.

Secondly I need to verify if the resistance is being lowered by water movement or the electron "orbitals" jumping states.

I have been at this a long time, in no hurry now to skip steps.  If you want to throw a choke into the water have at it. 
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 13:45:22 pm by warj1990 »

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Re: Gas production time. HighVoltage vs LowVoltage SameCurrent
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 13:33:11 pm »
Why did my insulated system fail?

The water split into H+  and OH- at about 3 volts.

Not having direct connection to the electrodes the water voltage/ field dropped to 0 - Just as a wire does not hold a charge but the charge is held in a capacitor.

Raising the voltage higher allowed the H+ again and O-

Skip a few steps...

Now I have 4 H+ (no electrons)   and 2 O- (8 electrons each).

Since O is happy with 8 electrons it will not link up to form O2 (gas).  It remains O (liquid)

The Hydrogen have no Electrons to share and remain H+ with no way to link up.

So it failed in 2 ways.
1, High voltage never truly existed (remained) across the water
2, No way to transport electrons from O side to H side.

There must be a way to transfer electrons to get the system to work.

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Re: Gas production time. HighVoltage vs LowVoltage SameCurrent
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2011, 18:14:34 pm »
You would have H+ and free electrons going towards its respective voltage zone at high speed... than you need to reverse the voltage zone leaving a time between the reverse ... two trains of opposite polarities applied each one at a time, to avoid corona arc... This way the H+ will become H when colliding with the electron, witch in turn than release heat while formin the diatomic bond... The OH- will gain an electron and liberate an H+ atom than the O--, witch in turn also release heat to form the diatomic bond but also release 2 free electrons...

5-30khz Pulse width regulable with trains of 200-1000hz having duty 50%-95% and a time between the trains... each train goes to a 50kv transformer with center tap

Go read the fracturing cell might help... 

the cell 5mm gap can be plexyglass very thin!!! and the insulators 0,3mm policarbonate sheets

sequence on each side
cell wall, policarbonate, copper foil, policarbonate coper foil....
the outer copper on each side is the positive, and it will find its opposite sign from the same phase, in the middle copper in the other side

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Re: Gas production time. HighVoltage vs LowVoltage SameCurrent
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 20:27:16 pm »

If you use a 4 volt 50% squarewave, you will notice some amps being pulled.
Gas production will be the same as with 2 volts strait dc with less amps.
Higher volts = lower resistance
Got to do with watermolecule clusterforming.

Charge in water is transported by ions, btw. Not electrons.


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Re: Gas production time. HighVoltage vs LowVoltage SameCurrent
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 20:47:06 pm »
@sebosfato, warj1990: so you both think that the water won't be splitt into H+ H+ O- but rather just one hydrogen atom being ripped off leaving the OH- behind.
Could be possible but bad for the process since the charged particales will move towards the condensator plates. A reversed field seams to be neccessary but would mean losses. Maybe we can think of another way to solve this problem.  Like a so strong and fast field that both hydrogen atoms get ripped off and not just one. Or maybe one or more fields for seperation.

But the way you, sebosfato, construct a capacitor is on my mind for a while. Since building stuff can be really time consuming and costly I always try to find simple ways to achive something. So I thought of using simple PCB's to make the condensator of. You have a thin sheat of copper and the backside can be your isolating material. Or you can spray a thin layer of plastic on the copper side as well. You can even buy cheaper PCB's where the copper is on a kind of cardboard. The pictures shows such a PCB. I even found an internet page where they made a tesla coil in the PCB. For other purposes but it could be something to try. Then you could use the PCB as a capacitor and a tesla coil.


How do you produce the high voltage and how do you measure it?
Do you have any pictures of your setup?
Any numbers for the efficiency?

I still need a good circuit for testing.

Something I found on the net is this....  could be useful as well.