Lets start by saying we are all in the same boat, no overunity, no cars on water yet.
Now lets look into dielectric breakdown.
The breakdown of an insulator happens at a point – so you have a single pinhole dielectric failure in solid dielectrics.
Even in air with lightning you are seeing a pinhole sized breakdown. The difference is air, and water, recover after this breakdown where solid dielectrics do not.
There is no extra energy in the breakdown – as you simply have high resistance that dropped to low resistance – allowing the high voltage to convert to high amperage.
If I have a capacitor charged to 10 volts and discharge it through a 10 ohm resistor I will get a peak of 1 amp pulse. (keep in mind we are not steadily recharging this cap) For this example I will say the discharge lasts 2 seconds (without a size cap mentioned it is impossible to establish the time constant or duration of this event).
Now I charge this capacitor to 10 volts again and discharge it through a 1 ohm resistor. With a peak of 10 amps. The time of this pulse will be about 10 times faster than before, so 2 / 10 = 0.2 seconds.
Same energy discharged each time.
Now I charge this capacitor to 10 volts and it fails with a resistance of 0.001 ohm dielectric breakdown.
As per the example cross multiply and divide to calculate the time of this event.
2 seconds x
10 ohms 0.001 ohms = 0.0002 seconds.
Current would be 10000 amps. Remember this is for 0.0002 seconds.
The energy is the same, the gas production is going to be the same, xxx cc in 2 seconds or xxx cc in 0.0002 seconds
One benefit would be a faster rate of production as 0.0002 seconds could be repeated several times in 2 seconds, but keep in mind the power is going to be more as well.
(do keep in mind this is just a simple example and not intended to list all aspects of the current pulse event).
What I am working towards is lowering the resistance of water, google the lowest resistance of water. Everyone seems to know the peak highest resistance of water, but no minimum resistance is listed.
Resistance is variable with: Size of cell, Spacing of cell, Electrolyte concentration, Water flow rate, Voltage applied.
Wait just a minute- Did I just name ¾ the variables Meyer mentioned? Yes I left out frequency (as I have no chokes at present or pulse frequency.)
As a simple analogy you drive your car down the road and you see a sign “Bridge out ahead” You ignore the sign and keep going, smack! The car is now in the river – you made it out safely and get another car.
Again, you see a sign “Bridge out ahead” Do you stop this time and find another route or keep going?
This analogy is what we are doing, Oh I didn’t get Meyers magic frequency to work… The secret is in the cell size, that didn’t work. The secret is in the spacing, that didn’t work. The secret is in the electronics, that didn’t work. The secret is listed in the patents, that didn’t help. The secret is in the VIC, did that help?
I have been there done that 5 years ago.
There have been so many varying levels of success in different areas in recent years. Bingofuel, Plasma electrolysis, Putting a tesla coil output above water. All work to an extent.
Even Stan had problems. Lets look into the computer industry for this example. Way back when the computer came out – basically a massive calculator. It was marketed, sold, etc… moved into the work force. Then several updates happened, etc…. Now we have laptops that are more complex than most desktops.
Now compare to Stan and his water fuel cell. He built a model, 9 tube demo cell. He changed the model, and changed the model, and changed the model.
It never went to market – why not? The capital for the future upgrades, or “better designs” could have come from the sales- as the computer industry has done (or any other business for that matter).
( Maybe it never worked right?)
My experiments are focused to lowing the resistance of water, allowing more current to flow at a lower voltage. Is a variable resistance a form of dielectric breakdown?
Maybe - but my only interest is the resistance itself. At this time further experiments need to be done in the water flow rate area VS. resistance of water.
Does pulsing the system make the water resistance lower?
Maybe - but I am not there yet with my work.
(notice my work listed above)
I am looking for the lowest resistance in the simplest ways first - then moving into more complex areas, such as pulsing, chokes, etc...