Author Topic: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water  (Read 80685 times)

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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2011, 19:34:27 pm »
I'm thinking about 'side bands' and center frequency.
The L2 choke has opposite phase of L1 and can be adjusted to give a proper side bands to set resonance of the protons and electrons.
There is a resonance in the side bands at GHz frequencies...

Also what about the air-gap of the resonant cell? Puharich talks about 22.3GHz(wave length water resonance) found 20..40GHz EM in the sidebands and talks about 14mm gap. Thats full wavelength so 1/4 wavelength has still 3.36mm air-gap???
Did SM used a harmonic?


Yes, Stan used harmonics. You are getting very close to what I'm looking for :) Do you know why Stan had to make the L2 choke out of phase?

Yeah Puharich's cell was 9" long and had a gap of 14mm....Stan's resonant cavity tubes had an effective capacitance length of 2.75" and a gap of 2.413mm.
NOTE: The gap is smaller than 2.413mm, 0.0625 inch = 1.5875 millimeters! What I read it is 1.5mm thick 0.75inch outer diameter, 2.75inch length. I want to use a 20mm outer diameter and 2mm thick 2.75inch length tube to get 1.65mm air-gap!
1/8th wave = 1.68mm (22.3GHz)

No, I think I have not an answer for the L2 out of phase question. I'm just trying to cross reference SM and Puharich parts and names.
I guess that the air-gap is used for a harmonic lower than 1/8 of the wave length! Maybe he used the L2 for tuning into this?

Since Puharich said in one of his presentations, it is very important to have the exact air-gap and dimensions of a cell!


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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2011, 19:48:43 pm »
Dear ionizationx member, Tony is correct - no one argued when Don played his game, changed tactics, told people he did not know nor had info or pictures, and weeks later actually had AND had it all allong.. why no complaints? - simple answer - you needed him. I understand why Tony is presenting the solution in the way he does, there are many reasons for this, but for most - learning and discovery - he is showing you the path, take a walk with him and consider the questions, take your time with it. For I understand what it mean to give out information with no gratitude in return and also what it means when people do not understand what they have been told, a signifigant discovery that changes everything.. and I mean EVERYTHING. If you are *  of, take a moment and take a deep breath and enter with another energy, solve the "problem" like Einstein.

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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2011, 19:51:58 pm »
The L2 coil is out of phase from the L1 coil so that it will make square wave pulses act like that of an AC signal. Meyer's was doing the same as Puharich and he had to use pulsed DC and configure the coils to this arrangement so he could generate a signal similar to a sine wave so that he could get around Puharich's patent and could patent it as his own.

This is how I came up with the gap of 2.413mm (0.095") based on the measurements that Don took from Stan's cavity. Note the wall thickness is 0.030" and the outer tubes has an OD of 0.75".


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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2011, 19:56:47 pm »

perhaps a LOL or two would have better shown my attitude, it was on the light side yet I can see how you may have interpreted it...  musta hit a nerve

fundamentally, the variables are input frequency, gated frequency, coil response, two pieces of steel with a particular gap in water..........

I stand by my earlier statements regarding the nature of the recent board posts, it is off-putting and arrogant sounding no less

dynodon has posts on various boards going back years, you can see the learning curve, why bring him into this just because he quized also?   

having fun while learning, now looking into the tetrahedron and atomic structure stuff, keep up the lead, in general your posts are interesting and thought provoking

ionthruster, nobody here needs to take a breath, I did comment on dons quiz as well I believe, mentioned the circuit found at rex research

you guys are acting a bit tightly wound today



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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2011, 20:11:00 pm »

nice work and welcomed, I'll duplicate and keep plugging along

warmest reagrds


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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #45 on: July 21, 2011, 21:09:32 pm »
close...  hand grenades and horseshoes?

speedymetals 304

0.68 id versus 0.69 with a 0.35 thickness versus a 0.30 thus leaves a gap of .090 versus the .095 as you suggested based on 4" inner and 2.75" outer

perhaps meyer was using commercially available stock?

I'll be looking around some more



Length (in)
Sub Total:
1/2" {A} Rd 304 Stainless Steel, Cold Finished, Annealed-By the Inch
SKU: 4r.5
Length Tolerance: Plus 1/8", Minus 0
Material Inch Price: $0.44
Total Material Price: $1.76
Total Process Fee: $0.00
Approximate Piece Weight: 0.22 lbs

Item Notes:
- Max Length 105"
3/4" OD {A} x 0.680" ID {B} x .035" {C} Wall Tube 304 Stainless Steel, Annealed-By the Inch
SKU: t4r.75x.035
Length Tolerance: Plus 1/8", Minus 0
Material Inch Price: $0.50
Total Material Price: $1.50
Total Process Fee: $0.00
Approximate Piece Weight: 0.06 lbs

Item Notes:
- Max Length 60".

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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #46 on: July 21, 2011, 22:22:44 pm »
The L2 coil is out of phase from the L1 coil so that it will make square wave pulses act like that of an AC signal. Meyer's was doing the same as Puharich and he had to use pulsed DC and configure the coils to this arrangement so he could generate a signal similar to a sine wave so that he could get around Puharich's patent and could patent it as his own.
Puharich said that "a unipolar pulsed DC will be formed when a AC wave (AM?) signal is going into a tubular resonant cavity."

Also SM said in his lecture what I remembered, that when "resonant action" is active "unipolar pulses are formed"

You also should check it again in the videos!

Somehow I can't find this in physics text books, can you?


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Re: My Thoughts on how Meyer split water
« Reply #47 on: July 21, 2011, 23:01:06 pm »
close...  hand grenades and horseshoes?

speedymetals 304

0.68 id versus 0.69 with a 0.35 thickness versus a 0.30 thus leaves a gap of .090 versus the .095 as you suggested based on 4" inner and 2.75" outer

perhaps meyer was using commercially available stock?

I'll be looking around some more


Make sense to me, he used the famous KISS method  8)

If there is commercially available stock with wall thickness of 0.03 inch = 0.762 millimeters? Also in EU?
(conversions from mm to inch inch to mm ->makes me crazy :o)
