According to Keely the molecule will maintain its integrity (steady state: state of relative harmony ratio 1:1:1) until the ratio of width to length exceeds 1:4 at which point the molecule disrupts or comes apart forming a dipole and a monopole particles. Implying the molecule can not separate into three distinct particles at one time. Because to do so would mean that as they got further and further apart approaching the 1:4 ratio its confines of ratio would be held in strict relativity - i.e., as the molecule stretched the ratios would remain relative to one another. This scenario is interesting in that a molecule could be made to stretch in all three directions artificially. Once it reached a point where all three diameters exceeded the original 1:4 ratio two frequencies could be quickly demodulated such that they instantly revert to the original rates thus leaving one of them at the 4+ ratio. The molecule would instantly disrupt with little apparent energy input. In other words, the molecule could be stimulated until it was in a state of maximum instability and then "nudged" into dissociation with a small tickle of force.
Planck's constant, is a physical constant reflecting the sizes of quanta in quantum mechanics. The Planck constant was first described as the proportionality constant between the energy (E) of a photon and the frequency of its associated electromagnetic wave (?).
The Planck constant is a fixed amount of energy being the difference of energy quantities as measured from orbital shell to orbital shell or from one energy state to another. The Planck constant is the difference between the energy levels. This difference is the same as the interval as spoken of in music.
A semitone is the smallest change of pitch (frequency) used in conventional music and musical notation. Semitones correspond with the individual keys of a tuned piano. A semitone is defined as the "12th root of 2" (1.05946...). The Golden Ratio (1.61803...) when cubed, almost exactly equals 25 semitones. Therefore the 25th root of a cubed golden ratio (1.05945...) equals 0.99998... semitones. This difference, when accumulated over the entire range of human hearing (about 120 semitones) is less than 3.5/100 of one semitone, and is undetectable by the human ear.
It is assumed the natural progression of discord follows the following pattern of ratios from perfect harmony or equation of forces to the least harmonious or the point of disruption:
Harmony 1:1:1 / 1:1:2 / 1:2:2 / 1:2:3 / 1:3:5 Disruption
The above figures are the natural progression of the Fibonacci spiral and all other life activities resulting from a natural progression of events.
They are intimately connected with the golden ratio, for example the closest rational approximations to the ratio are 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, ...
So the ratio Puharich found (also valid for water molecules) was "12th root of 2" and is tightly coupled to Keely's work.