I would like to point out that meyer was not using just plain hydrogen and oxygen to run his dune buggy.
He was using mass energy.
He created a condition where hydrogen atoms decay during the combustion and thereto release a tremendous amount of energy.
He achieved this by manipulating the combustion in such a way that the particles collide and the impact is so strong particles decrease in mass.
He created a pulsed water laser, a pulsed water vapor laser and a pulsed air laser.
A Laser can have many megawatts of power for a small amount of time.
A laser manipulates the time to achieve power densities otherwise impossible. Power density is equal to high electric fields.
A laser condition amplify light or any other wave, anything that is explained by exchange of virtual or real photons..
This process is not a piece of cake, is not about putting a circuit on a water vessel and put it to work.
This is dangerous and release gama radiation and probably other. Thats why this reaction was to happen inside the combustion chamber.
Please don't believe that buying a circuit replication will lead you to the right direction. First of all you should now what to do and what you need.
Dirac and others believed that electrons could have a negative energy state. So medium could release energy, and therefore matter would remain with less energy and gain it again from other sources to achieve equilibrium...(sun)
The uncertainty principle is known to explain the universe as a kind of energy source, and as everything is not precisely located in our universe at all the times, we should be allowed to borrow some energy from the universe for a certain amount of time since we give it back latter...
Actually as nothing is at exactly 0K temperature in our world, everything contains energy! The sun is up here irradiating the earth since billions of years, the water and air received most of this radiation and absorbed it.
Einstein, Hilbert, Tesla and others said that the energy and momentum conservation don't hold since the general relativity theory.
I'm up there working at this system.
I'm trying to raise funding for my company so we can bring energy responsibly to the world. Is not easy, people tend to think you are guilty instead of think you have only good intention, everyone don't believe in anyone, and think everyone can steal everyone anytime.
I'm full of good intentions. I don't want to make money from others work or ideas. I have my own.
I could have a way to heat my house with atomic energy, but i would go for solar thermal cause is way simpler and cheaper.
You must use the right tool for the job. This is intelligence.
For me a bunch of independent researchers with lots of good intention and limited funding will never get anywhere. Alone you will never get anywhere.
This forum should be a place for knowledge. Anyones work in the field should at least in principle add to the discussion and not have a price. In the end all the knowledge here was bring in for the benefit of mankind.
When you people understand that we should get together unfortunately will be too late. I hope to be wrong but i'm losing hope in the people.