Switched up the X former again.
Did a few different things, not sure on the results of them so not posting info yet.
One addition is instead of 0.1 uf I added another to the driver circuit to drop the freq. some, so primary was 0.2 uf.
Here are some photos on what I discovered:
Photo 1, 10 volts into the driver, Meter to the left Cell current - 1.5 amps, Right Input current - 1.5 amps.
Photo 2, 20 volts into the driver, Meter to the left Cell current - 4.0 amps, Right Input current - 2.6 amps.
Photo 3, 30 volts into the driver, Meter to the left Cell current - 6.7 amps, Right Input current - 3.5 amps.
Photo 4, gas production at 30 volts driver input.
Photo 5 Coil and driver. 12 awg wire now, primary and chokes on left of core, secondary (testing on right.
This shows Meyers non linear increase in current on the cell (or at least I think so).
(see photo 6 Amp leak from the driver becomes less as the voltage is increased, Cell current continues to clime until the desired gas production rate is achieved)
I think I hit level 2 on the graph, Constant applied pulses.
I was taking the cell current up to 10 amps. I got to 9.5 in the cell, with about 4.2 on the driver and my meter lead jumped off the cell.
Now the driver is not working, but wanted to post this instead of looking into the problem.
Water (distilled) now has 25% by weight (guess) KOH, 1 % NaOH.
The question remains - does the current in the cell surpass the input power at a specific voltage?
I am planning to build a driver for 125 volts input to test this.
Work is slowing me down some on this end.