( the complete set of photos is available from Dynodon)
Demonstration Cell
SMDC001 This is a nice photo of the demonstration unit as Stan pours water into it.
Location is in his Grove City laboratory. It is similar to the It runs on water video
Viewed at ionizationx and HHOINFO
SMDC003 This is an image that was released by Dynodon that shows the top of the
demonstration unit with the cell housing removed. It details the slots cut
at the top of the outer tubes Viewed at Ionization X (Pict0068.jpg)
SMDC004 This is a similar image as SMDC002 but from a slightly different angle. It
shows a heretofore unknown bracket/bolt on the upper tube holder (Viewed at
HHOINFO Posted by Dave.
SMDC002 The release of the image by Dynonon (Pict0066) was a real break though as
it detailed the bottom of the demonstration cell when repairs were being
done on it to fix a leaking gasket. Photogrammetric analysis allowed the
determination of a lot of the hardware and gauges of the brackets
Viewed at Ionization X, Globalkast
SMDC005 This is a view of the demonstration unit on the floor of the h's storage unit at the June 13 2009 visit. It shows nice detail on the upper plumbing.
An IBM 266 Mhz computer is to the right. Viewed at HHOINFO Posted by Dave
SMDC006 This is a image of the demonstration unit taken in one of the basements of one
of the owners Viewed at Orion ( from orion album)
SMDC007 A wide angle photo of the EPGs, VSU and the demo cell. Viewed at Tony's site as well as others
SMDC008 Top down view of Stanley Meyer Demonstration Unit The release of this image confirms the presence of stabilizing brackets (held together with the philips head bolts )
SMDC009 A view of the bottom end cap of the demonstration unit
SMDC010 Detail of top of demonstation unit plumbing
Most of the images are available from Dynodon, some on the net or ionizationx
"For educational and study purposes"