Dynodon, who is graciously releasing much previously unknown data on DVD CD and thumb-drive to researchers for only about $100 plus handling. (well worth it!!!)
is the winner with the most correct answers. Dynodon is perhaps the most knowledgeable person about the early work of Stan Meyer!!!
And all of us who labor to solve the Meyers Mystery are winners with the release of this new information
Here were the four Mystery photos
In photo # 1, name where the photo was taken, the names of the people in the photo and the year the photo was taken. Answer: Fayette County Airport- Stan Meyer, Rick Schneider, Bill Brooks, Stephen Meyer, 1987
photo # 2,
In photo # 3 ,name where the photo was taken? Answers:( 3792 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio
In photo # 4, When taken? It was taken taken in 1989
Thanks to all the runners up, New Contest is coming up!!