Q by D10 What is diameter stacked cavity?
Not a lot to work with, need at least 1 known value to set up relational matrices.
I think best shot will be using pica height of label (comparing to other labels used by Stan or possible bolt diameter at right but the measurements are so small so precision will likely suffer.
Could run it through a parts sieve in terms of likely diameters of pipe at left( 0.5 or .75) and see what drops out in terms of outer diameter of cavity. device
argument 412:53::<val>:0.50
val 3.88
argument 412:53::<val>:0.75
val 5.83
argument 297:121::12:<val>
val 4:88
dim <val> string outside range
need 3 string crosslink for matrix lockon
This would be interpreted as insufficient accurate measurments to be be within
preset range
Here we are trying to link assumed sizes of bases for the Demonstration Unit in SME2 video with information from bases of the Demonstration photo of IITER p 29 with the ratios being obtained from the base ratio of the resonant cavity device
cmd calc <val>diag base::<val> dia tube
image acquire
fuzzy matrix parts
link fuzzy matrix<val>SME2 base
recalc probable
dim<val> string links outside range
fuzzy guess??
4.0 - 6.0
fuzzy guess??
less than 6
more than 4
image acquire IITERp29 VSU.img
recalc <val>dia string
best guess
5.0- 5.5
recalc all avail matrix strings
best guess round 0.5