Friends and visitors list at the Broadway Lab
Charles C Holbrook Early assistant Mid 1980s
Stanley M Graumlich Friend and helper-Former faculty member Wittenberg University
Stephen F Meyer Twin brother
Ed Lab assistant at least 3 years 1990s
Robert L Ward Allied Chemical Company, observer
JW Investor,promoter ,four visits to lab, produced 45 minute video, Lived Santa Barbara, California
1985 Visit
1986 (Spring) Visit with John McGilvery ( Video Exists of this visit)
1988 Vist to lab and Deer Creek Demonstration
Art 1996 visit
October 1990 Visit
"The Griffin Committee"
Keith Hindley, Uk Research consulant, Michael Laughton, Dean of Engineering Queen Mary College and Sir Anthony Griffin, former controller of British Navy
This is the visit described in Electronics World article
Ulf Dahlstrom Rick Schnieder visit lab
August 1992 Visit Another British Visit
Summer 1992 Visit Dutch Professor (The is the visit documented in the 1992 interview video originally discovered by Steve of IonizationX))
Perkins Technology Ltd. Visit October 6-8, 1992
Sir Admiral Anthony Griffin 4 visits? Water as Fuel Doc. " I have now personally witnessed it 4 times"
Tony W.E. Downes Managing Director
Michael Graham Chemist and Project Leader
Gorden Purkins Engineering Development Manager
This is the visit detailled in the IITER
1993 Dublin Institute of Technology Visit July 28-31, 1993
Rea O'Neill Industial Liaison Officer
Michael Carberry Chief Engineer of Avonmore
Noel Whitney Quantum Leap Star
This is the visit detailled in the IITER
1993 Visit to Grove City lab by George Mallove and Jeff Driscoll
This is the visit detailed in the Independent Energy obituary article
November 1993 Visit by Film crew of Horizon BBC program
October 1995 Visit by INCA Film crew from London to film the "It Runs on Water Video" aired in December of 1995 BBC Channel 4 Directed by Lawrence Simanowitz
Russel E Fowler WFC Director of Personnel also present
After Dec 1995
Visit by British Ministry of Defence, Defence Research Agency (DRA)
Visit March 20, 1998
Belgian Vistors: Phillippe Vandemoortele and Marc Vancraeyenest. of Google search for names
Friend Visit likely to remove critical documents and parts from safe before the "sharks" came
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