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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #88 on: March 16, 2012, 14:54:53 pm »
hear, hear

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #89 on: March 16, 2012, 16:15:03 pm »
Great, another wannabe who is the only one who has the 'solution'.

I don't think there is one 'secret' that will make it work.
Steve Meyer said in a radio interview, "It's not just one component, its the whole system that makes it work."

The truth is there is no secret, there is only knowledge (sounds like something Yoda would say!).
The more knowledge we share with each other the closer we will get to a successful replication.
Until then we are all in the dark.

I think it's just as Meyer says it is, but a lot more complex than he explains it.
After all, look at what we are trying to do. Find a resonant frequency of a circuit in which the capacitance of the capacitor changes with frequency, applied voltage, temperature, water type, and water level. Who thinks that is easy to do, I sure don't.

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #90 on: March 16, 2012, 17:29:41 pm »
Wise men say, only fools rush in...

I use to believe it could be that easy waterfreak... If i was greedy, wannabe... many names that i was called since i asked the first time for donations... when i was "open source" way of thinking... if i was this i would want it all only for me, and i would die in a couple of weeks... however i learned that there are people with too much power and if i upset them is problem for me and family and this technology wont arrive to you, never. I'm going to play the game, and assure the technology make a benefit to the mankind and not a bigger problem. This i call responsibility. If i believed that this technology would only cause problems i would stay quiet and make a water car only for me. If i was bill gates, i could even try fighting but i'm just a poor guy so i need to dance the music for now. Seriously, if i shared here the "solution" the world would become a sh it. Think of all the consumerism. What pollutes more? Our cars or the consumerism? Think, what if we had an endless power supply?

Today the money you get at your job every month, is calculated for you to consume what they are producing for one month, this way you need to back to work to keep the machine turning. Well i didn't explained well. There is a reason for existing poverty, is useful. Low cost hands to work. But is not the only reason. The minimum salary is such as to limit the power of buying stuff, 1° because the production limits, second because theres no space for so much trash in our world. We are 7billion people if all could buy an iphone, ipad, tv, car, houses.... There would be no more reason to do it. The system thinks that if you know what is poverty, you are not going to want to be poor and thus you become easy to convert in hands to work. Today in the city with no money you die. This makes people wants to show up what they earn, buying stuff to show how they are better than the others... I don't think is a solution to forbid people to buy so much stuff but since people show this classic behavior, we must mind this when dealing with so much power. In other words... This technology must come with a change in mentality otherwise is going to become a danger. This can only be done by centralizing. Listen to stans comments at the new zealand...

Maybe you simply didn't thought about the consequences... Is very easy to think open source when you simply wants that something drops from the heaven at your head... when you start to work exclusively on this for years while people call you crazy, greedy, wannabe, scam... well i'm saying i could drop the info here but is worthless, it could become impossible to me to accomplish what i really want to accomplish which is bigger than the technology itself, bring it to the people in a safe manner. I don't even have a car man, cause i decided when i was 21 that i should expend only on the research, if i'm pure ego tell me than. I'm almost 27 now, and i'm tired and sick but won't stop fighting.

The life only have a meaning if you find something you could die for it.
I was kidnaped the other day, they took my money of the project but i still alive, however i thought they were going to kill me not kidnap, hahhaha.. good luck mine =) i still alive

What kind of man would i be if i go talk with you that discovered this, extract from you the info and than come here and spread to all?

Like i said before, i'm just trying to create the conditions for us to be able to work together as a team, in a big research center, developing the product lines and learning together, i can't think something better than this for now.

My only intention posting here was to make you all think, think think. So you can start looking at it with the eyes of science not the eyes of a copying machine. I almost dropped into this, when meyer pics came out, but some helped me by not sharing their copy designs... this allowed me to learn, learn, learn. Today my PLL is better than ever and keeps improving... This is what i want to do, help you letting you extracting the juice from your brains...

I only have a drop in the ocean, SM left much more in his developments... so i'm saying is still really important find out how he did the other stuff too.

HMS is right, is not one secret, is the system, the secret i mean is the properties that allow you to make such system to do what you want. Is a property of the water at the end and of the electronic components. Meyer says dielectric but its not this exactly at least not in our system that allow the thing to go or at least not only this.

I told you all that is needed in terms of knowledge to understand what it is. I simply think that must be a two way conversation.

You need to ask yourself the right questions... meyer started like faraday, two electrodes and a battery and water to see bubbles...but he went further, he analyzed such a simple stuff with profundity, theorized... Than he started tweaking. The problem is that most if not all, wants to put it to work, without even knowing how basic electrolysis works. At the end is ohms law.   


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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #91 on: March 16, 2012, 20:42:12 pm »
I am agree with you that is dangerous if this tech is out of control,i think in 2ways:1 iff all the people will have that tech, the number of cars on the road will triple or more...we are allready suffocated by so many cars...and 2: if you or anyone else give out the ''secret'' maibe someone starts to manufacture this tech and get all the credit/ and money.You are corect by not saying direct answers regarding this tech,I wont even want direct answers i want to understand and train  my brain and skyls like you say but, i want to know if I/we are on the right track,I mean if all the elecronics and water cell are complete?,or if they are corect?(parts value/connections,wire type/gauge..etc)or have missing circuits that stan intentionately hidden/distroy for not be able to be replicable...thanks for your sharing...

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2012, 22:01:30 pm »
Sebo, there is truth in what you say. However, this is the same road Stan and many others went down, keeping the responsibility, and knowledge, to themselves, making themselves an even larger target.

The 'anti-free energy' crowd is large, well funded and dead serious. Something this important must be spread out as far as possible, so if, heaven forbid, people do go silent, the research continues even faster.
I would do this just to spite them. If they want to threaten us, then we can do the same to them.
At the first sign of interference I would spread the documents and designs so far apart, they would have to go to every country in the world to suppress it!

This is what they do not want to happen. If one person(s) keep the knowledge to themselves, like Stan, the entire research can be suppressed very easily by threats.
As for waiting for a 'research center', did you hear about the Orion project?
It fell apart because of threats and 'lack of funding'. Tons of these 'research' ideas have started and abruptly ended, due to interference from the same crowd.
If this ever is going to become reality, I believe what Stan said is true - it must be developed by the little guy, in the garage.
Big industry will never ever allow it to come to fruition and is hell-bent on stopping it at any and all costs.
I am not against you, I just think you are heading down that same path that has proven to be dangerous.
Just my thoughts...

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #93 on: March 16, 2012, 22:49:05 pm »
Guys speaking of finding the ''secret'' I think that guy found it(that's hell of a pipe:)) )

(look trough all his videos...look also at HI VOLTAGE resonance...and VIC )from what i read there is 30Kv at resonance in the first video''THEWATERENERGY...RESONANCE CAVITY IN ACTION 2..PLASMA ''...that kind of voltage we have to generate to see some bubless:))

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #94 on: March 16, 2012, 23:12:49 pm »
hi adys,

Is good that you understood my point.

I can tell that for my understanding, stan did it in two ways, before one simple and later one complicated. The complicated is the way all are trying to do, which is related to fracture of the molecule and colliding with electrons... Is a particle accelerator. Thats why i said you should read all references stan gave... I really still don't fully understand it or how to design it, but seems to me that stan hide many things. He was really smart. This complicated method is easier to scale up, if the design parameters are well determined.

I'm not sure if there are parts missing on the later design, but i think so. Stan deliberately lie all the time so is really hard to say for sure. The thing is that to get closer to this manner we should be able to solve a differential equation harmonic oscillator like, to find a approximated frequency as function of voltage, charge, mass, density and distance. Not easy, at the university i talked to many and no one could grasp the idea. The teachers said it would be impossible to determine it for water with enough precision so would be useless. Anyway, with enough knowledge of particle physics we should be able to determine the parameters needed, i still believe.

I talk like this and probably make it seems more simple than really is. The fact is that you need to have a good understanding of what makes the molecule be a stable molecule and so on... Now i'm studying engineering principles of atomic reactors at the university and is making me understand many things for example. For say you can study things that are completely non related and will help you somehow to improve your ability to think and put things together.

There is no easy way to accomplish this, you get to study, go to the library find books and more books to get educated about it. last year i read more than 50 books at the university libraries... 

I think we are all a bit out of the track regarding this complicated method.
The first method KISS he didn't even showed ever any diagram that could really work nor talked about it. he only wrote on the tech brief the principle in a form extremely abusive. About the second he wrote extensively about and in a puzzle manner.

well, i believe the eletronics and the cell are ok, the thing is to find the sweet spot, the problem is that is impossible to find something we don't know what really is, it can be right under the nose and we don't see it.

Probably some switches are missing, hiden parasitic components, hiden functionality of components... 

hope it helps

Hi waterfreak,

i understand your point of view, i use to think just the same, but things happened, time passed and i changed my point of view. Orion project didn't succeed cause they didn't had anything to show. Stan didn't succeeded cause he wanted to patent it and probably as happened to my friend here the pentagon blocked him.

I have a strategy determined for implement this technology in the industries to improve the production efficiencies. This will let me to become "friend" of the anti-free energy guys. Actually we don't call it free energy at all cause there is a considerable cost to make it, of course is possible to achieve complete independence, but is not what we are looking into for now.

For example for 10 barrels of oil they take out of the ground, they spend more than half of it on processing and transportation. So I will make they double the earning and directing the oil for other uses by integrating the technology on their systems. 

in 2009 developed countries suffered from the crisis because there was no possibility to keep increasing the production of energy and oil so their economies stagnated because there was no way to increase in the production.

This tell me that today is great time to present this technology. The world is greedy to grow, and now they understand their limitations.

Our strategy is to let it grow in a safe controlled manner, clean and fair. For this, is not as simple as simply spread this technology. Is a task for the all life, all risks taken. My first concern is trash, second is pollution, third is education... This way we can limit the problems in cyclical manner. There is an urgent need for changing the way people live, regarding the food processing and product they consume and all need to be recycled to 100% in a clean manner and cheap. So one of our main goals is solve the recycling processes. Although might seems we want to control the world, is necessary. And is already being done, however is being done by people who don't give a *** for the future of the planet nor the people, or that simply is not capable of doing so. I still care about this questions and is one of my motivations to have worked on this project for so long and with such seriousness. The money was never important to me, except that its exactly what is needed to accomplish this goals so we are going to make it. As they make loads of money making dirty, we can make even more cleaning it, cause no one wants or know really well how to do it. Thats why the research center i want to create will have dozens of activities to establish new processes too.
In near future machines will work for us and our work will be study a new future and live well with fun.

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #95 on: March 17, 2012, 07:40:52 am »
I got something for all to think about. Stan says XL must always be greater than XC, which this will make the LC circuit "Inductive". But at resonance XL=XC, they cancel each other out, so how can we keep it inductive? Well this goes back to one of my earlier discussions where I talked about the coils acting as high pass and low pass filters. In some of Stan's recently found documents, he calls the coils "Frequency Bypass Coils", so this would go along with my theory. So keeping all this in mind, I will explain how to keep the LC circuit "Inductive" while at resonance. Lets say you have a LC circuit and the resonant frequency is 1 kHz. So in order to keep the circuit "Inductive" and get resonance, we would have to pulse the circuit just above the resonant frequency. So lets say we pulse it at 1.2 kHz, since the choke and capacitor act like a low pass filter, the coil will filter the resonant frequency from the higher frequency. So basically the the cutoff frequency will be the resonant frequency and be just as Stan says, "Frequency Bypass Coils".