Author Topic: Resonance WFC measurements  (Read 63382 times)

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #72 on: February 26, 2012, 17:03:22 pm »
Regarding grounding with a resistor, it can be used to eliminate the negative ringing voltage on the oscope from what I've seen.  When you guys speak of 100v in, for example, is it reference to 100v ptp which is mostly ringing voltage right?  Is this what HMS means by 200v being twice the voltage as a swing from positive voltage peak to negative voltage peak?


Or are you measuring and stating actual pulse voltage peaks on your screens?

Like Bubz I think keeping voltage exclusively positive without the swing into negative may be a factor. 

I play with the ground resistance now to see if it is an avenue to creating the unipolar voltage screenshot.


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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #73 on: February 27, 2012, 04:20:40 am »
Stephen Meyer mentions in one of the radio interviews that the waveform is very important. In the follow image I explain my theory on how this particular waveform is made and where the high frequency ringing comes from. I also show a waveform that I have gotten and it has similarities to Stephen Meyer's waveform.


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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #74 on: February 27, 2012, 05:24:59 am »
Very interesting Tony,

Were you able to produce any gasses with that Stephen Meyer like waveform?

I have studied Stephen's patent a bit but could not really understand what he's doing (how he is splitting the water)....He uses much lower voltages and 3 tubes in a coaxial arrangement???

What interests me is that he said it was much more advanced than Stan's? I wonder if it was more efficient?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 05:44:47 am by HMS-776 »

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #75 on: March 12, 2012, 16:04:19 pm »
I read there are several people changing the CW to CCW windings of a choke to get opposite voltages. This is wrong, Don said all coils CW.

Did a few test on my VIC. No resonance wfc connected. (see attachments) Scope probes connected to chokes. No inverting settings enabled on scope CH1 or CH2 channels.

Wave/Pulse generator device. 1Vpp offset 500mV pulse 50%+ duty cycle input to primary coil. Offset didn't change the primary PULSE AC shape.
I did a test how the choke 2 behaves if it is CCW wound. Well on first resonance frequency it didn't had opposite voltages.
When I adjust it to 2x resonance frequency it goes to opposite voltages.

We see the pulse shape is distorted.
It is possible to make it PULSED again to change frequency, but then resonance is lost at chokes and secondary coil.
How can PULSE SHAPE be cleaned up? Placing resistor parallel over primary?
PLL Pulse generator (Stan VIC circuit) Voltage amplitude input 12V DC at TIP120.
My coils are now connected what Don has in his data.
All coils are now CW.
First resonance frequency has opposite voltages. Second didn't. So all coils work CW.
Problem I have is the PLL didn't maintained 50%+ duty cycle above 10kHz. So I can not test my circuit as I want. Need approx. 15kHz to get resonance.

Pulse shape is better, but due my PLL it is not 50%+ duty cycle. (core material or WFC lowers resonance frequency)

When I change amplitude my PLL duty cycle changes too, it should not do that! Frequency is voltage independent.

(NOTE. Just wanted to show a few scope shots,
what PULSE, PICKUP and CHOKE signals may look like, to compare with other builders here on the forum.
It could give new ideas and insights how to build the VIC.) ;)


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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #76 on: March 13, 2012, 08:42:22 am »
Hi Webmug
Strangley with the 3 VIC`s I`v built I did not managed to get opposite voltage waveforms with chokes wound the same direction.
Can give us full details of your VIC and show us a pic if possible.


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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #77 on: March 13, 2012, 16:02:32 pm »
Hi Webmug
Strangley with the 3 VIC`s I`v built I did not managed to get opposite voltage waveforms with chokes wound the same direction.
Can give us full details of your VIC and show us a pic if possible.

Here are my VIC specs, enjoy!
I'll get resonance @14.8kHz, @300Vpp (no, not enough voltage, but we are learning how it might work for next version)

I want a perfect unipolar pulse in the primary coil at Vmin=0; Vmax=12V; 50% duty cycle to fine adjust the secondary, pickup and chokes on the same resonance frequency (max. voltage, min. amps), this is where I am right now.

Keep building and replicating.


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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #78 on: March 13, 2012, 22:20:50 pm »
Hi Webmug
Thanks for you specs.

Your vic is very close to the last setup I was testing. 8)

400HH rods instead of bars
primary 650turns 12.7ohms 46mH
secondary 3500turns 90ohms ~ 1.3h
choke L1 3500turns 90ohms ~ 1.3h
choke L2 3500turns 90ohms ~ 1.3h

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Re: Resonance WFC measurements
« Reply #79 on: March 13, 2012, 22:40:56 pm »
Hi Webmug
Thanks for you specs.

Your vic is very close to the last setup I was testing. 8)

400HH rods instead of bars
primary 650turns 12.7ohms 46mH
secondary 3500turns 90ohms ~ 1.3h
choke L1 3500turns 90ohms ~ 1.3h
choke L2 3500turns 90ohms ~ 1.3h
It is important how you pulse the primary coil. It needs unipolar pulse. Make the VIC circuit connections what Dynodon shared. (see my coils)
Then start at low freq lets say 500hz and measure at one choke for resonance by increasing freq. there can be multiple resonance freq.
If you also measure choke 2 to see resonance simultaneous because chokes are almost equal in inductance.
This AC swing can be not as clean as it should due equal choke inductances.
I have no opposite voltages on double resonance freq. When CCW choke was used I had opposite at double freq. so you have to sweep freq. band for resonance.
