Update: I did a few measurements.
First one was on a toroid 230V to 12V transformer 60VA in reverse. I DC pulsed the 12V side (0V=OFF 12V=ON) and measured the output @230V side.
This signal was PULSED going positive to negative and back @ 50% duty cycle.
My VIC coils primary and secondary doesn't give the same signal as the toroid when PULSED, no PULSE output.
When I found the resonance frequency of the VIC coil it was AC. On the toroid I couldn't find resonance, only PULSE.
I connected the toroid to the blocking diode, chokes and wfc.
I noticed a few thing when I started GATING the PULSE signal on the toroid transformer.
When the GATE duty cycle was small I started to see offset to almost DC PULSE on POS+ and NEG- at the 230V coil.
I tell you guys, it's the core material that gives PULSE as a PULSE transformer and the resistance of the chokes to get step-charge.
The step-charge isn't high enough due the few windings on the transformer. Total current was 10mA on the primary.
Problem I now have is that I don't have negative signal in this set-up due I don't have the chokes on one core, so more to solve.
@Donaldwfc, could you measure the output of the transformer made by Brian, to see if it's PULSED?