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Stan Meyer patent and lecture notes.
« on: February 28, 2011, 01:27:40 am »
                                                       U.S. Patent  # 4,936,961 notes

Engineering design parameters based on known theoretical principles of electrical circuits determine the incremental levels of electrical and wave energy input required to produce resonance in a system where by the fuel gas comprised of a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, other gasses

In the process the point of optimum gas release is reached at circuit resonance. Water in the fuel cell is being subjected to a pulsating field produced by the electrical circuit whereby the water molecules are distended by reason of their subjection to electrical polar forces of the capacitor plates.

The polar pulsating frequencies applied is such that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance in the molecule..

A cascade effect occurs and overall energy level of specific water molecules water molecules is increased in cascading incremental steps

when a volume of water is isolated and electrically conductive plates, that are chemically inert in water, a capacitor is formed, having a capacitance determined by the surface area of the plates, the distance of their separation and the dielectric constant of water..

When water molecules are exposed to voltage at a restricted current.. waters takes on electrical charge..  by laws of electrical attraction, molecules align according to positive and negative polarity fields of the molecule and the alignment field.. the plates of the capacitor constitute an alignment field when voltage is applied

                                                          Switzerland Lecture notes
Question, how in the world could we be able to switch off the covalent bonding of the water molecule, without consuming a tremendous amount of electrical power as opposed to the electrolysis process that we all know?
 Realize that when the hydrogen atoms unite with the oxygen atom under the law of physics something got to happen and when the oxygen atom accepts the hydrogen's electrons then you develop a electrical imbalance by which you now have 8 protons as opposed to 10 electrons so therefore the oxygen atom takes on a negative electrical charge. since the hydrogen atom is now sharing its electron and since its protons is positive electrically charged then the hydrogen atoms will take on positive electrical charges.. therefore the atoms of the water molecule are being held together by a electrical attraction force.. Its quiet obvious then that if you would now expose the water molecule to a external electrical voltage force then you should would and can actually separate the water molecule by a physical force through a electrical attraction as coulomb and newton has stated clearly as that you can use voltage in a electronic circuit to perform work
Also realize that as you expose the water molecule to a high pulse voltage frequency and as you raise the voltage amplitude we now can take the water molecule into the liquid to gas ionization state. In the process we restrict the amps and allow voltage to take over.
At the same time that we are exposing the water molecule to an external electrical force of opposite polarity to perform the wok of splitting the water molecule, since water is a dielectric liquid.. When you expose water to a high pulse voltage frequency water will take on the electrical charge.. So at the same time that we are splitting the water molecule by now allowing the water molecule to elongate and change the time share rate of the electron. As the water takes on the electrical charges then the hydrogen positive electrical charge will increase at the same time, at the negative electrically charged of the oxygen atom will increase and as a result the negatively charged electron which is its covalent  electron is now being attracted to the positive charged hydrogen atom and since the oxygen atom has a negative electrical charge a repelling action occurs and therefore we are now switching off the covalent bonding of the water molecule and therefore satisfying the first major requirement of NASA, being able to release hydrogen gas from ordinary natural water, and do it economically :-)
In order to do this Stan had to invent a new form of electronic circuit/transformer  which he called the voltage intensifier circuit. Since water is a dielectric liquid and if you put it between 2 voltage plates you now form a capacitor. And every electronic man knows that if you put a coil in series with a capacitor you now develop whats called a resonant charging choke.. So by  putting 2 coils on opposite sides of the capacitor. you are  forming a pulse frequency circuit by which when you hit resonant frequency of natural water, amp flow drops to a minimum allowing voltage to take off toward infinity if the electronic components will allow it to take place.. Basically what the pulsing circuit is doing is that as the pulsing circuit enters into the resonant charging choke it creates the electric magnetic field which restricts amp flow to all voltage to perform its work.. In physics they have known for a long time that voltage does in fact perform work..  But here before no one ever dreamed of using this technology in reference of using for liberating hydrogen economically from water..
It was discovered that once you restrict the amps and allow voltage amplitude to be increased hydrogen gas is being generated on a exponential function..
Watts = Volts x Amps
Those who are electrical engineers they know there is 2 aspects to electrical power.. There is amps and there is voltage.. The only time you consume electrical power is you consume it in the form of amps.. If you were to restrict the amp flow you have voltage left over.. Voltage is a form of potential energy, it is not consumed energy and as a result you are using potential energy to perform work..
Once you realize the fundamental operational characteristics and parameters of the electrical polarization process. You can then raise the voltage amplitude by which now takes you into the liquid to gas ionization state.
As you take it into the gas to liquid ionization state the voltage potential is now ejecting or pulling away the electrons from the combustible gas atoms.. When you attenuate the voltage amplitude in reference to pulse frequency you will hit the phenomena of resonant action by which you are producing a tremendous quantum leap in hydrogen generation over the prior art electrolysis
Also when you hit resonance and subject it to the stimulation of the pulse voltage and then switch it off then the hydrogen will continue to be produced on the power off put stage.. A example being that once you hit resonance you could excite it for 5 seconds and  produce gas for 94 seconds.. You divide 5 into 94 and you are producing hydrogen gas 19 times more one the power off stage then on the power input stage..
Also it was realized that if you would leave the pulse voltage frequency continually or constant, hydrogen gas is being produced on a geometrical configuration and will continue to increase in the production of hydrogen gas until such extent that it reaches the maximum flow rate of water going into the resonant cavity..

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Re: Stan Meyer patent and lecture notes.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 15:44:22 pm »
Thanks man

You see the part where he takes about increasing the negative charge of the oxygen while decreasing its electronegativity. covalent switch off