Man all those books are wonderful for what we are doing here, i will try to track the link for this books, the electric field book has passage that says this:
" pg118
5 consequences of current flow
1 heating
2 electrochemical effect (electrolysis)
3 magnetic effect
4 rearrangement of charge
5 radiation of energy!
Electric charge radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic wave when it is accelerated or decelerated. Around a circuit with AC there is regular redistribution of charge and, in the surrounding space, a continual time-changing electric field witch we recognize as a displacement current. But the latter creates a time-changing magnetic field and this in turn, by transformer action, induces in the insulating region a time-changing voltage or electric field. So the electric and magnetic fields mutually create and support each other and in interacting propel radiant energy out into space. This phenomenon becomes of great importance at the higher (radio) frequencies. "
so if we accelerate ions they release radiant energy as a wave (wave guide resonant cavity), if you think of the interactions of the electric and magnetic field the water pump as the hyper drive can be achieved. Just using fields to accelerate it doesn't cost me any does it?
just found it Electric and magnetic fields, stephen attwood for this you need to get a program that opens it (probably) easy to find- tried to find the bobrow book fundamentals of electrical engineering for you too but this one i couldn't find, its from oxford university! of course in amazon there is, maybe google library