Author Topic: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato  (Read 72335 times)

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Re: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato
« Reply #104 on: March 16, 2011, 12:40:09 pm »
hi i think my idea of resonance may be diffrent is all as may be the elictrical polarization process.I read alot of Stans work and form an idea about how to understand to research published documents to support the ideas... the more of Stans work that gets released forms new ideas and so with research documents.
The idea im researching now is the possitive polarization of  water atoms  so more is attracted to negative side.It gets crazy because the nucleaus of water is all protons.

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The secret is achieving perfect unipolar pulses in the cell!
« Reply #105 on: March 16, 2011, 12:55:57 pm »
Yes they are all protons neutrons and electrons... What makes the proprieties of the oxygen and oxygen to be able to be manipulated by fields.

I think that you should read this thread from the start where i was talking about the water taking on a charge, i think this will still happen in this system but not as i thought before. is only about induction charging i think. The electrodes fields will induce in the water molecules a counter charge to the dipole so you lower in step function the electrical attraction of the atoms. Is because the respective fields will attract the atom and repel the covalent electron and vice versa.

This explain pretty much why meyer said that out of resonance there would be 40ma flowing and when in resonance it drops to 1ma. Cause in resonance the fields are exactly 180° out of phase so no current can flow. Isn't it very clear?

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Re: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato
« Reply #106 on: March 16, 2011, 13:05:04 pm »
I think Steve Meyers showed us the rest of the story in his patent.What does electrical polarization process means to you?

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Re: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato
« Reply #107 on: March 16, 2011, 13:21:52 pm »

I think that maybe there is a reason for meyer to want the minimal possible capacitance to the isolated ground. This would allow ultra high voltage fields (40kv) with very low current therefore power consumption, cause the impedance would be very high.

So the circuit will have very High positive KV B+ AND negative KV B- relative to ground and 180° out of phase. Seems simple and stupid like he claimed.

I researched about this and found that there are 4 types of polarization.

The one we are interested in my opinion is net polarization to achieve ionized state gas atoms straight from the water, and electronic polarization witch is what I referred to as induction charging effect by the field alone.

But i think that the water bath will also take on a positive net charge cause of the way it is set.

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Re: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato
« Reply #108 on: March 16, 2011, 14:05:35 pm »
why would the water bath b possitive? how would ur possitive electrode effect it if it was?  i thawt this was a neat link:
seems simple .

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Re: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato
« Reply #109 on: March 16, 2011, 14:34:13 pm »

Nice link,

What lead me to think this is because meyer claimed that electrons would be ejected from the water bath, Will be positive in my understanding cause the secondary and diode and resonant charging choke tx4 allow the water to get up to high voltage positive as the current is being restricted, this electrons will now only see the water in the other field electrode.

As in the tx5 coil during the pulse off have the current flowing from B- to ground, while inducing the positive pulse in the rest of the vic, prohibit the current from flowing thru that wire in the other direction, this is the amp restriction, as the amp is restricted the cell will tend to get positive cause the positive electrode will only take the electrons from the water when the pulse off period reach half way the B- electrode is at 0v and up to the point where pulse is about to be reapplied it is high kv positive and the other electrode is at even higher voltage positive therefore. You understand?

Thanks for reminding me about stephen meyer. Now i had just took a look and fully understood what he meant.

He uses the alternator in resonance in each phase like i described. 

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Re: Stan Resonance finally cracked! by Sebosfato
« Reply #110 on: March 16, 2011, 15:15:06 pm »
Man i think that i understood the working of the alternator.

The frequency of the resonance will be the three phase signal frequency there are two chokes connected to each phase with a diode conducting and the other with the diode non conducting, this chokes are connected to 2 capacitors serially connected, than the middle between the capacitors is the ground i'm talking about Ref. each phase have the same set of chokes having the same capacitors values...

This will be important cause the one choke will not resonate only with the other choke in its core but with the other phase sets and so on...

Thats why stephen meyer used a switch in each termination end that select to each cell tube goes the positive or negative goes respectively. Oh boy this is so simple, i'm asking my self why i didn't finished yet my project. I'm a kind that keep thinking...

The frequency seems to be 468 hz for the stephen patent and the impedance matched to 10 ohms (dead short almost)

 So the fields are applied in counter phases with a high voltage magnification cause of the resonance.

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professional coils
« Reply #111 on: March 16, 2011, 15:33:07 pm »
I quoted how much would cost to have the coils professionally wounded, and i got this price, 30 euros per kilogram of bobbins and if high voltage insulation in the bobbins is require 50euros kg. ..

When i have some money i want to get some done for me.