Author Topic: Herman Anderson  (Read 42282 times)

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2021, 07:55:30 am »
That could be one of meyers wfc,s.
Ill gues the bal type cell comes close to that.
His brother mentioned the sparks once....

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2021, 17:10:37 pm »
The water fuel injectors could be a form of wave guide..  The tapered electrode  gap  may  be functioning as a wave  guide as well as a resonant
cavity resulting in the plasma causing thermal/and molecular destruction of the injected water, and gases with the release of "GNT"  energy.
As  ions revert  to lowered energy states, the water and gases are going to a lowered energy state with the release of  the differences in bond
energy being released as GNT

In the case of the  vertical tubular  array devices, the spacing between the anode and cathode is different  from the injector device because the
resonance distance for  liquid water is different than the gases and water vapor being mixed prior to plasmolysis in the injectors.
Within a cavity, the index of refraction will depend upon the material through which the waves are traveling. The wavelength and
frequency need to be tuned to the physical dimensions of the cavity(s) for the resonance and standing wave of the plasma to occur.
The indices of refraction vary with the wavelength of thee light ,x-ray or microwave used
Some investigators have mentioned a blue or orange glow during their experiments with the Meyer technologies....

The Spherical cavity,  the Vertical Tubular Array and Fuel Injectors all have in common the need for adjusting the frequencies
pumping the electrons to higher levels and using electron extraction to destabilize the atomic structures to form a more stable
energy state. With hydrogen,  the electron is stripped out and not permitted to reform by being "consumed" by an electron
well such as an incandescent bulb or heating element.  With the oxygen atom, as its electrons forced into higher electron orbital
states, the electrons are further away from the positive nucleus, and can be more easily plucked off  by the electron
extraction process.  Eventually the electrostatic attraction between the hydrogen and oxygen becomes so weak that the
water molecule breaks apart and reforms as the H2 and O2 gases which are then burned as fuel

« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 21:53:00 pm by jim miller »

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #74 on: May 16, 2021, 11:57:44 am »
So, the next question is about the rest of the indoor unit of Herman.
I heard that there was a somekind of airblower in ....
Anybody any comments on that?

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #75 on: May 20, 2021, 09:27:13 am »

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #76 on: June 07, 2021, 19:23:23 pm »
That airblower is a tricky subject. If you're blowing Plasmoid, you're going to get voids, because of the surface tension.  Old school has it that, with a scalar Field's penetrating presence, dark energy will form across the voids.  (Like a surface shadow).  So this will add a little extra expansion.

And I was thinking about what he said about his waveform being a cross between a box and a triangle.  What if a square wave ended with a triangle going on up?

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #77 on: June 08, 2021, 11:45:05 am »
That the waveform changed because of the waterfuelcell is proven...

Thanks for yr thoughts on the airblower, Tek.

Ill send you a pm today...
Need your view on something...


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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #78 on: June 13, 2021, 12:18:45 pm »
It looks like that most of the members are hanging backwards......... ;)
I know that this technology is one of the long breath....

We need builders. I need an engine....

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Re: Herman Anderson
« Reply #79 on: June 14, 2021, 01:29:06 am »
Good point about the engine, Steve.  But I'm wondering how safe it would be to discharge heavy water vapor into the atmosphere.  Can we use radiolysis at a lower, non fusion voltage?

I recently picked up a professional Geiger counter.  I may get back to my C/O fusion tests.  This might also produce radiolysis, and perhaps thermal dissociation.  Hopefully, no deuterium.  (Even if that has more energy than H).