I think it shouldnt be much longer till we completely understand the magnetics of his system....ive watched his interview so much to almost memorizing everything he said.
If you combine all info from that interview and also the Horvarth patents we might understand a little bit more on what is going on.
Remember that Herman speaks of using a positive magnetic field to push the hydrogen trhu the waterbath as being very important part of the system.
Also the explanation of that old engineer at the end of the video is also important, Kevin.
I tell you why. Now its important to know what happens when you use a sparkgap with a coil.
You can find a lot of info on that in the Horvarth patents.
When air gets ionized in a sparkgap, a high current starts to flow into the transformer of Horvarth, creating a hugh magnetic field.
The field force is described in that patent!!!!!! Unbelievable.
Back to sweet Herman. He mentions the use of corona wire.
He used a round cylinder as cell.Combine that with the info of the other man wrapping sparkplug wire around his cell.
One and one = two.
Herman used corona wire around his cell to creat 2 effects.
1. radiolysis by emf fields
2. magnetic field for pushing the monotomic hydrogen
Corona wire with a sparkgap, probably below the cell.