Sorry Sebosfato, I'm not interested in theory here.
What is up for discussion here is the design and function of this unit, I am trying to gather insight on these parts and components, what each does, how they fit together, why stan would design each part like he did, why he would use this configuration. I want to know what Stan was thinking when he designed this.
What we can see is a cylindrical case of delrin, with a rectangular box on the side with bolts for power input.
On the bottom there is a recess and flange so that it can be bolted to on top of the next unit.
The top is open, so that might imply the unit above this one would be the cover for this one.
Here is a picture of the stack, you can see how the flanges connect to to each other and how the bottom of one acts as the cover for the next:
We can not see the bottom of the unit, but the above thought would imply there is an inlet, or open chamber of some form, into the next unit.
Here with the Hydrogen Gas Gun on top you can see how much larger the diameter of this unit is, also note the water chamber above the stack, and the water line form the water chamber to the bottom of the stack. The bottom section below the bottom resonant cavity unit looks like it acts as a cover for the bottom RC, and an inlet for the water, that the water line connects too:
Jumping to the VIC, we see in the patents that lines point to the inside of the unit saying Voltage Intensifier Circuit, we see that the label on the unit says Warning High Voltage Intensifier Circuit, and around the bottom of the SS tube we see what might be electrical tape around a coil of wire. We know that the Hydrogen Gas Gun has an internal VIC, wrapped around the tubes, so this is in cooperation.
The rectangular box on the side with power input may contain, at my guess, the resonant scanning sweep lock on driver circuit. The reason for this assumption is that each of these cavities should resonate at it's own frequency, so the pulsing circuit would require feedback and there are only two bolts on the box, which accounts for power input, but not feedback to an external pulsing circuit, also having the pulsing circuit in proximity to the VIC makes sense as this is a stackable self contained module.
I think this is the circuitry that is inside that box on the side:
The tube that the VIC is wrapped around has a hole in the side of it, and solid top, this may be a white delrin cap. This may be the inside tube with a 0.5 inch diameter, or it may be the outside tube with a 0.75 inch diameter, I am thinking it is the inside tube, but making some measurements on the photograph with a few references would help narrow that down with more confidence.
If it is the outside tube, then the delrin cap may act to hold the inside tube in the center and the hole would allow the gas to flow out of the tube set.
If it is the inside tube, then the delrin cap may act to block the flow of through the center of the tube so it will be forced out the hole.
If it is the inside tube then the outside tube must go over it, and the VIC is in the way, so the tube set would be concentric only for the portion above the VIC, which might appear to be less that 3". Another assumption is that this is a 3" tube set.
The delrin cylindrical part next to the tube set has a hole in the side near the top, a guess to the purpose of this part may be that it contains the outer tube, and is positioned over/around the other tube, and insulates it from the water bath. If this is the case, the holes in the inside tube and the delrin cylinder will not line up, and the delrin cylinder may be too short to reach the VIC, which would leave a gap for water to flow. A concern here is that if the water/gas form the below cell flows through the inside tube, through the hole at the top if it, and then out the hole in the delrin cylinder, then the water/gas flow is not directed through the cavity.
The orientation of the VIC+tube part inside the case could either be with the VIC+tube upside down to it's current position, so that the VIC is at the top of the unit, or more likely in it's current orientation, so that the VIC is at the bottom of the unit. Reasons for this are, the VIC has to have 4 electrical connections from it, the two from the primary, and two from the feedback coil. There are no visible connections to the box on the side from the top, so the connections must be at the bottom, out of sight in this picture.
More thoughts soon.