Hello steve
Nice Measurement... =)
I think the capacitance is a little bit too high, so I would stay with the calculated value for the specific cell size. might have read this value because 3,5kohm is very different than several mega ohms on everyday capacitors...
I found that if you = Xc and Re you will have the same frequency... So i guess we might get the inductance value from the Re and the frequency related to Re and C...
I found analyzing very well that the resonant charging chokes was wound in the same core and stan used the same length of wire for both because they will be connected as a common choke thus its inductance shaw be = 0 or close to They serves to catch the collapsed field reversed current and use as kickback voltage to further charge the cell... I still need to think about the winding capacitances... However the resistance of the coil is important as stan said, because an inductive discharge will discharge faster in a high resistance path rather than small one because to discharge all the energy converting it to current you will have back emf over and over again... So the LR discharge equation show T=L/R different from capacitance witch is T=C*R... thats why, the speed of the kick back discharge will depend on the resistance of the wire and also water.. .
The secondary should resonate with the capacitor in the end of the history...
The diode has many tasks and should be hyper fast.
What water you used steve? Demineralized or distilled?
I have good news
I believe that i fully understood the schematic proposed by the guy from sri-lanka
Is very easy the timer is only hiding the 5 pin and than the rx is the cell... the resistors net is just a 22,5ohm 60W resistor and the 2n2222 with zener under is the voltage regulator for the 555 timer, i'm trying to find the transistors equivalents and when i have some money to buy the transformer and heat sinks and transistors capacitors and wire ... i will try it too ... For now i will keep on what i have in my hands except that i'm going to also build with some parts i have here a pulse width variable from 0 up 100% frequency generator with range from 1 to 50khz
well is all for now
Best Regards