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Here some info on transformers with calculations..


Thanks steve

I have found many good info about the boost converters with 555, http://www.dos4ever.com/flyback/flyback.html


I'm having problem to generate my high voltage to the cell so i thought of using the primary in series with the secondary than use the snubber action to raise voltage and send to the cell... the transformer in this boost mode will have almost 100% efficiency...

Actually i thought of having the positive from the battery connected to one side of the cell and the output of the boost coil to the other side... than i energize the coil and store energy in it, while this happen the secondary start developing the first positive pulse to the cell than when coil is de-energized the resultant spike of accumulated energy is directed by a diode to enter the resonant coil having additive field thus increasing further the voltage... I will check right now if it works... but i want to build a pulse width variable frequency generator as the bigger the duty cycle the higher the voltage of the spike will be...

I also thought about using a delay switch to allow the conduction of this spike only after some microseconds to allow voltage to become the highest possible but i think that the mosfet i have will not handle this.. but if i get a 1200v igbt i could program it to discharge when it reach maybe 1kv... of course the amperage will be low...

Is like charging the coil and discharge it in less time than took to charge it... the voltage of the discharge will be grater... 


--- Quote from: sebosfato on September 27, 2010, 22:02:33 pm ---Thanks steve

I have found many good info about the boost converters with 555, http://www.dos4ever.com/flyback/flyback.html


I'm having problem to generate my high voltage to the cell so i thought of using the primary in series with the secondary than use the snubber action to raise voltage and send to the cell... the transformer in this boost mode will have almost 100% efficiency...

--- End quote ---

Nice links!

Hi steve

I 'm thinking about using a flyback topology because it can perform that task that i thought about storing the energy in the gap and than discharge it all in once giving high voltage low current without relation to the turns... It is more related with the duty cycle and speed of the rectifier.. 

in sequence this pulse must be able to induce resonance of the water cavity thus being able to extract the energy from water and being able to accumulate it in the resonant coil somehow...

I'm thinking for example in accumulating maybe 1mW during 1ms in the core than discharge in 1 ns thus having a 1000w discharge

I learned something very important this days

inductor opposes the flow of current by giving to it a kind of inertia (mass), so the current is accelerated inside the coil due to the voltage force(thus if voltage applied is constant during the period in witch it is applied, this current "speed" or flow will raise linearly) like a ramp wave up to the last peak that is just before voltage is turned off... this inertia ( weight or magnetic field) is what makes the current to still want to keep flowing  even if you turn off the switch, however if no secondary was in conduction mode (transformer with secondary and a diode conducting during the on pulse or without any diode) energy was only stored in the inductor and its Energy=mass*speed... than if the current have no where to go, the magnetic field will collapse for reseting the core field generating a high back emf pulse in the windings However if there is a winding in flyback mode (one with diode witch polarity will allow to conduct this reversed polarity pulse (during the of pulse)) the back emf accumulated "energy" will not come back to the primary so will be discharged in the load... otherwise on the links you may have noted the boost mode where the current is not allowed to change direction so the energy is discharged but current keep flowing in the same direction...  However voltage and current discharged will be transformed related to the time it took to charge and discharge all the energy...

I was thinking in a way to delay this discharge as much as possible to be able to transform voltage to its maximum possible value, but i found that would be very hard because of component limitations....

I think the electron extraction happens in this nano seconds...

here few more very interesting links (my last favorites) since yesterday



Best Regards


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