I discovered how to get ultra pure water.
I found that there is a resin witch are very tiny balls witch you can put inside a tube and if you pass water thru it all ions (impurities) will remain in the resin...
The water can become very pure...
If you add an osmosis reversed membrane than in series you will get ultra high purity...
The ideal would be to have water coming from the tap going to a activated charcoal filter and than pass thru this resin and than reversed osmosis...
This way 1 liter of resin (about 20 euros) will make up to 400 liters of high purity water...
I thought that would be a good idea to have a pump recirculating water from the cell thru this resin and osmose reverse membrane to keep the water as pure as possible..
I have just changed the water here and got for 112 vdc across the water i have now 32ma flowing ... So its more than 3000kohms in my case for a capacitance of about 1,2 nanofaradays
If i want to charge the water to 3kv i would need only 1 amp flowing thru it... I guess
I think that if i wash my cell again some times this resistance will become greater... My water have not being reversed osmosis purified...
only passed twice into this resin the guys who sold me the water told me... he also told me the conduction was 3 micro siemens...
if you want a cell that keeps its resistance it must be closed... and if you want even better you need to recirculate the water thru this filters....