Author Topic: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core  (Read 17388 times)

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2010, 16:02:57 pm »
Welcome Dan

1. Different WFC systems use different cores and VIC designs, there are different ways to accomplish the effect, however elusive... The toroid was mentioned in one system, the bobbin type was the latest, most advanced VIC design, possibly worthy of superseding all previous VIC designs. Toroid VIC's are not economically simple (mass production), while bobbin VIC's are. The context of Stan's development spanned from 1975 to 1998, and over the years his systems advanced, so keep that in mind when trying to sort out what is what and what goes with what, some details are separated by years of advancement.

2. The taper resonant cavity is part of an advanced and complicated system, and there are not many people there yet, see Hardkrome's project section.

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2010, 03:14:16 am »
Yes the time span is a little difficult to overcome but its clear the most recent patents/notes are the more efficent design. The taper resonate cavity, I find very interesting. As soon as i am able im going to have one machined. I may not have the driving ciruit but i would like to see if voltage potential is higher at the ex. port using around 1Kv

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2010, 03:59:01 am »
To get the increased voltage effect from the taper cavity you have to use it as a wave guide, just applying a voltage to it and measuring the voltage at different places with probes is not going to show you the required effect, it's an electromagnetic wave traveling down the cavity. if you are not using it as a wave guide, then the properties of the wave guide will not exist.

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2010, 01:34:49 am »
what about this?

$ 1 5.0E-6 1.1685319768402522 44 5.0 50
v 160 256 160 448 0 2 5131.0 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
T 240 256 400 448 0 5.0E-4 50.0 5.628008408966203 -0.12419289015802223
d 160 256 240 256 1 0.805904783
r 160 448 240 448 0 0.07
c 720 256 720 448 0 1.0E-8 -2677.3518090454563
l 848 256 848 448 0 0.1 -2.474705300403797
w 400 448 464 448 0
w 464 448 544 448 0
w 464 256 544 256 0
d 400 256 464 256 1 0.805904783
w 720 256 848 256 0
w 720 448 848 448 0
T 544 256 624 336 0 1.0 1.0 0.12419289015802215 0.1241928901580217
w 544 336 544 224 0
w 720 224 720 256 0
d 848 256 944 256 1 0.805904783
c 944 304 944 448 0 7.799999999999999E-9 425.45946666378404
r 992 304 992 448 0 10000.0
w 944 304 992 304 0
w 944 256 944 304 0
w 944 448 992 448 0
w 544 224 720 224 0
l 848 448 944 448 0 5.0 2.274005636571097E-15
w 624 256 720 448 0
w 544 448 624 448 0
w 624 448 624 336 0
o 4 1 0 33 5120.0 3.2 0 -1
o 0 1 1 35 160.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1
o 3 1 1 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 2 -1
o 16 1 0 43 2560.0 0.1 3 -1
o 4 1 0 35 10240.0 3.2 4 -1
o 9 1 0 33 80.0 0.2 5 -1
o 17 1 1 35 80.0 9.765625E-5 6 -1

well listen to stan words

transformer driven by unipolar square wave, with a switching diode and a common choke in series than into the resonant cavity and than the blocking diode and another variable choke... than water...

He states in the tech breath that the resonant charging chokes would provide undistorted signal, in this simulation it proves to work this way, without the chokes you are not able to sustain resonance on the tank without spending a lot of energy because the transformer become part of the resonant tank, this change the resonant frequency dramatically.... basically the choke will de couple the transformer and the resonant tank... the circuit shown have a 50:1 transformer that have 14 volts coming in and at 5khz consume 50W while having on the other side 9kv on the tank and ABOUT 700v going to the water... I assumed a 10kohm resistance across the water... if you raise the resistance you get far more voltage...

what do you think about??

inputing 150ma from the secondary and having 3 amps recirculating, seems to me like a 20Q factor... the resistance across the water is consuming about 45W so almost 90% efficiency.. of course in real like wont be this way however, is a good picture...

The secret in my opinion is to decouple

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2010, 01:52:10 am »
$ 1 5.0E-6 1.1685319768402522 44 5.0 50
v 160 256 160 448 0 2 5130.0 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
T 240 256 400 448 0 5.0E-4 50.0 3.4988185668632807 -0.05633565409021539
d 160 256 240 256 1 0.805904783
r 160 448 240 448 0 0.1
c 720 256 720 448 0 1.0E-8 7137.631147431932
l 848 256 848 448 0 0.1 0.13683789827745768
w 464 448 544 448 0
w 464 256 544 256 0
d 400 256 464 256 1 0.805904783
w 720 448 848 448 0
T 544 256 624 336 0 1.0 1.0 0.05633565408985096 0.05633565409021647
w 544 336 544 224 0
w 720 224 720 256 0
d 848 256 944 256 1 0.805904783
c 944 304 944 448 0 7.799999999999999E-9 255.38747420106438
r 992 304 992 448 0 10000.0
w 944 304 992 304 0
w 944 256 944 304 0
w 944 448 992 448 0
w 544 224 720 224 0
l 848 448 944 448 0 5.0 -0.04460978059106577
w 624 256 720 448 0
w 544 448 624 448 0
w 624 448 624 336 0
r 720 256 848 448 0 5.0E7
r 720 256 848 256 0 1.0
r 400 448 464 448 0 100.0
o 4 1 0 33 5120.0 3.2 0 -1
o 0 1 1 35 80.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1
o 3 1 1 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 2 -1
o 14 1 0 43 640.0 0.05 3 -1
o 4 1 0 35 10240.0 3.2 4 -1
o 8 1 0 33 160.0 0.2 5 -1
o 15 1 1 35 40.0 9.765625E-5 6 -1

This would be closer to real life

considering a parallel resistance with the resonant capacitor 50Mohms

about 70mohm + 30mohm being mosfet and wire in the primary

about 100 ohm for the chokes and secondary

and 1 ohm for the resonant inductor..

of course could be a bit bigger but note how it don't change much the resonance, it reduces just a bit the power delivered

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2010, 02:43:18 am »
$ 1 5.0E-6 1.6308177459886661 44 5.0 50
v 160 256 160 448 0 2 5039.0 110.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
T 240 256 400 448 0 0.01 0.2 1.0646113949803562 6.238687997698804
d 160 256 240 256 1 0.805904783
r 160 448 240 448 0 0.25
c 720 256 720 448 0 1.0E-8 37168.89884152911
l 848 256 848 448 0 0.1 -6.2853001616956
w 720 448 848 448 0
d 848 256 944 256 1 0.805904783
c 944 304 944 448 0 1.0E-8 588.8299787326894
r 992 304 992 448 0 10000.0
w 944 304 992 304 0
w 944 256 944 304 0
w 944 448 992 448 0
l 848 448 944 448 0 15.0 -0.04661216399679978
r 720 256 848 448 0 5.0E7
w 400 256 720 224 0
w 400 448 720 256 0
r 720 224 848 256 0 1.0
o 4 1 0 33 40960.0 25.6 0 -1
o 0 1 1 35 1280.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1
o 3 1 1 35 10.0 9.765625E-5 2 -1
o 8 1 0 43 1280.0 0.1 3 -1
o 4 1 0 35 81920.0 25.6 4 -1
o 9 1 1 35 160.0 9.765625E-5 5 -1
o 16 2 0 33 20.0 25.6 6 -1
o 17 64 1 35 320.0 9.765625E-5 7 -1

well this in my opinion would be an easier approach in that the input transformer is simplified, so it participates o the resonance inputing the energy in series so it don't need to be decoupled....

I've chosen to use 110v in order to have less losses on the mosfet in this simulation and in to be able to make the transformer step down witch lower the amps on the primary ...

I tried this last year and it work however i didn't had the choke to decouple the cell from the tank and nor distilled water...

think about if water start the resonance having about 10kohm and when full of bubbles become about 100kohm

try changing the values, you will see just what stan said


changing water resistance change the frequency

changing the tuning choke change the frequency...

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Re: Magnet effecting Unipolar Pulses on toroidal Core
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2010, 04:54:45 am »
and finally voltage take over in a dead short condition!!!

$ 1 5.0E-6 47.65948060424672 29 5.0 50
v 112 240 112 432 0 2 5032.0 110.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
T 272 240 432 432 0 0.1 0.2 8.219320326267841 -20.272053732984602
r 112 432 272 432 0 0.25
c 432 432 752 432 0 1.0E-8 -16721.3689721728
l 880 240 880 432 0 0.1 20.10836407542579
w 752 432 880 432 0
d 880 240 976 240 1 0.805904783
c 976 288 976 432 0 1.0E-8 162.4605593447396
r 1024 288 1024 432 0 1000.0
w 976 288 1024 288 0
w 976 240 976 288 0
w 976 432 1024 432 0
r 432 368 752 368 0 5.0E7
w 432 240 640 240 0
r 640 240 880 240 0 1.0
d 112 240 272 240 1 0.805904783
w 432 432 432 368 0
w 752 368 752 432 0
l 880 432 976 432 0 25.0 -0.16368965755881715
o 3 1 0 33 40960.0 25.6 0 -1
o 0 1 1 35 1280.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1
o 2 1 1 35 20.0 9.765625E-5 2 -1
o 7 1 0 43 1280.0 0.2 3 -1
o 3 1 0 35 81920.0 25.6 4 -1
o 8 1 1 35 160.0 9.765625E-5 5 -1
o 14 64 1 35 640.0 9.765625E-5 6 -1