People are gonna have to innovate and get smarter with Hydrogen , thats why I made the things I made , so people could get past hurdles that doesnt allow them to play around , cuz sometimes we have ideas but dont have the tools to test em out and just talk about them for years instead . Hope it works out so progress can be advanced .
Since I am incredibly busy and stressed these days I have made a gamble , I have bought this little water magnetizer from australia , I dont like my noisy 60HZ anymore , dont think this is the right way . They have a try before you buy policy wich , they are not scammer americans , , worth the risk , 200 $ is not much for something that my whole family can use , best thing is I dont even have to argue with them with this weird shit , heres a glass of water , s*t*f*u and drink it ... Some of you are stuck too much I know , but you didnt expand your mind when you had that job didnt you , that idiot box got you distracted .
So I bought this to give me and my family an immune boost , and hopefully give myself a boost of creativity and vision , we know how the brain is just an absosulte mystery and is 90% water , our memory is in fact water , its funny when you try to remember things and suddenly it just pops up out of nowhere m its like the more you try the worst it is , you just gotta let it come to you ... Human brain is quantum .
I ordered that little 180 AUD model , few glasses at a time is all I need , If you got a farm or somebody you know has one I would start trying the try for free policy , home gardening is picking up also . Also trying more meditation techniques at leats once a week . I have been mostly on a kiwi and apricots , trying to avoid american produce besides apricots , and a bit of fish diet , some organic yogourt and some raw ornanic eggs about once a week , skipped supper often. I basicly went into purge and starvation mode , was constantly hungry but tahst how its supposed to be , your not supposed to be feeling full . I can tell it really helps my energy level and concentration even if I ate less . I am working 30 hours a week and going to school full time , its my last year now and we have tons of projects , but I still have energy for reading and working on my inventions . I like this guy George4title , I am thinking of hiring him to promote my product if things work out , he looks like a nice guy , I appreciate the work he did for RT watched all of his videos religiously for about a year now , I simply love his no ** approach , just a few days now Georgie ...
What he said is real real real , theres a bunch of turtling video gamers out there wasting their unemployment on inefficient useless belongings that only brg them closer to absolute hopelessness and misery when they could be having fun with science , they wanna escape reality and go to lala wow land or w/e , I can see the level of idiocy on youtube by the comments of these people , some of them are already lost , my advice is that they go for a walk to dc cuz its reaching that point .
. Yall should watch his videos and start seeing that this economic mysery is the new normal , but we gotta build positive things together and do things like a community , those other third world countries understand that and thats why they will see prosperity .