My advice to you is that you use a mosfet , like the irfp250 . Transistors IMO are inferior for switching purposes .Less rise and fall time , less amps , less durable .
To drive mosfets I like the totem pole method , this is the method used in mosfet drivers .
resistors make slow rise time , remember that you wanna charge that 2000 pf as fast as you can , so resistors is bad , that circuit fom Naudin is not so good , slow rise and fast fall if a big mosfet were to be used . Remember that you need to discharge also , some of those circuits are just non-functionnal and wont discharge . Also you need short distance between driver and mosfet because high rise + inductance + capacitance = ringing . Minimize the inductance as best you can , big wire 1/2 inch long to gate .
My advice is that you use a mosfet driver or study totem pole if you wanna make with available components . That way you can transfer the high impedance source of the opto to a high imopedance input of a mosfet driver or totem pole pair driver . That second pic right there that you claim is from stan is non-functionnal , n channel fets need 10 volts Vgs to be saturated , you would need to drive it with 22+ volts
Thats the method I always use , lazy and small . I use mosfet drivers personally because it uses less board space , max627 for example .