Author Topic: ALTERNATOR  (Read 70423 times)

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« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2010, 04:41:40 am »
Stephen did the same thing as meyer if he did succeed.

I can assure you that if you try to understand the principle i'm explaining to you, you will understand.. . And you will see that is the only way it could work.
Think with me, what stan aways said. Voltage does perform work and is not consumed in an electronic circuit.

You charge the water capacitor with voltage. This voltage on the plates will attract to them the oppositely charged ion. The greater the voltage the greater is the force of attraction. Electrostatic meaning of Voltage is = to opposite charges separated.. The greater is the separation, the greater will be the voltage, even if the charge remain the same. Now happen something, ions have a max speed in water and if the electric field is turned off in fact in a millisecond charges should have come back together to neutralize... As they are attached to the electrodes, if you just close the electric circuit the electrons from the OH- ions will jump to the electrode to go discharging in the other side the H+ ions because the electrical resistance of the coil will be lower than the resistance offered by the mobility of the ion...

So if you have there 10 coulombs of separated charges in the water capacitor per cycle, 1khz you will generate 1 gram of hydrogen every ten seconds. 

Thus gas production increase exponentially with voltage because the force acting over the distance increase with the square relationship of distance, witch is not the case with faraday.


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« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2010, 05:07:48 am »
I have just calculated the capacitance of each tube, being the internal tube 1,27mm diameter X 500mm long Than the capacitance is

199cm2 = 0,0199 m2
Relative constant of water 81
Absolute constant = 707 pf /m2
1mm = 0,001 meter

So (Area m2 * absolute constant / distance in meters   

So 0,0199 * 707 / 0,001 = 14.069 pf or  +- 14 nf

If the gap is 1,5 mm the capacitance become

So 0,0199 * 707 / 0,0015 = 9,379 pf or  +- 9,4 nf

You see?

If this is the capacitance than to ring at 5khz the inductor must be around 100 uh witch is quite reasonable for a high current inductor.

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« Reply #66 on: August 30, 2010, 09:30:07 am »
Dankie has become a guestmember from now on.
I mean there will be no posting by this person done on this forum, which he think is crap.


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« Reply #67 on: August 30, 2010, 11:45:14 am »

 Thank You, Steve

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« Reply #68 on: August 30, 2010, 12:09:45 pm »
Here is the schematic that I used. Warp came up with it, some years ago.
As you can see, the drawing is part me and part Brian... :)
If you take a look, you see No external powersupply for the rotor.
We took the power for the rotor from the wfc and it worked fine!
All you have to do, is to jumpstart the wfc with a battery and then it runs all by himself.

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« Reply #69 on: August 30, 2010, 12:22:24 pm »
Well, it seems great and even better if you are saying that it worked.... I Just didn't understood yet why the energy is feedback there. Could you explain?

How much gas it generated? What voltages? Amperages?

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« Reply #70 on: August 30, 2010, 13:48:33 pm »
You have to understand that the rotor must have volts and current to create a magnetic field.
As soon as the rotor is charged and is moving across the stator, it will create power and powers up the wfc.
In the schematic, you see the power for the rotor coming off the wfc!
In your new theory, we must change some things to this schematic.
There must be an extra coil added to the STATOR. That should become your EEC coil.
The rotor must get a 50% squarewave on it. When the rotor goes down on signal, the EEC must pull the charge out the wfc into the extra coil on the stator.
If i remember well, Donald or Don told us that the alternator of Stan had indead that extra coil in the stator, btw......
Let me make a drawing...

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« Reply #71 on: August 30, 2010, 17:12:55 pm »
i think im gonna join yalls ban wagon and try to feel what sebs trying to do...  i remember stans vids and from what i remember about eec.. it switches on during the off time of voltage to the cell and the discharge of current would be used to generate light (consume electrons ).. i didnt know there was another coil for the eec...i thought stan simply conumed the negative voltage as light... which in return was used in the cell..  when you have a series of leds wired up and connected as it they were the coil you speak of.. fill me in a lil more why u feel this is the way.. if you decide to use around 18 gauge for tha alternator i know 6 loop per inductor is a bit much.. will want somthin like 3-4 per loop... the thing is 3 loops is 6 because loops over lap in the cavitys of stator.. so with 6 per indunctor you get 36 in each cavity.. (realy tight with 18).. this is how i have my alternator at the moment..