Author Topic: ALTERNATOR  (Read 71298 times)

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« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2010, 09:03:45 am »
With so many important things to be understand and discussed, I feel like your are not realizing the big importance that have this discovery...

Focus! please.

This is your great opportunity to collaborate with something big. I would like to express my feelings regarding this huge skepticism. You should thing to your self that if you daily use your computer to go to ionizationx forum than one day you are likely to see a thread where the true about how things really work to get free energy. So the first step to recognize this, is to see how logics behind the energy gain works exponentially. So You should get more involved to be able to want to understand. If you are really interested in free energy. I was wiling to share because is so stupid that i cant keep this for myself. Stan was a very controlled man for not let this information available. I needed to open a physics chemistry book and a fundamental atomic physics book, and many many many informations accumulated along this time, to understand this.

Hope you understand how much is worth understand what i discovered.   

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« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2010, 11:43:27 am »
This topic has been cleaned of all posts who didnt matter to the subject.
Keep it clean, people.
Please go on Fabio! Great topic  ;)
Thinking out of the box is what is needed!

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« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2010, 12:36:19 pm »
Thanks steve, i keep working 24hours i'm just finishing the plan of the circuit that i will build today if possible... Than i will do some tests...

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« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2010, 16:52:27 pm »
"More advanced and efficient configurations involve atomizing the  water into a fine mist before injecting them into the tube. A make-shift  version of this type utilizes a motorized air humidifier commonly found  at Wal-Mart for $15 during the winter season. A flexible, expandable hose  is connected from the humidifier to the pipe. At the molecular level, neutral streams of water are atomized by  the nozzle or humidifier into small droplets light enough to be suspended  in air. These droplets, by a well known phenomena, are ionized; when water  is split into smaller globules, charge imbalances occur."

Quoted from...

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« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2010, 17:26:12 pm »
And we are thinking with you, Mr. Brasillian casanova.. 8)
Now to the topic:
The gain of this new idea might be in the freed electrons of the electrolysis proces.
Step 1: charge up the water till a level that the water breaks down into H and O.
Electrons are freed in that proces, not consumend because you cannot consume electrons.
Step 2: take out charge of the water, which not make it a better system....
Step 3: take out the freed electrons.....hmmmmmm
Step 2 is putting an electron charge into the metal of the tubes / plates. The metal transfers the charge of the electrons towards the water in which the charge is carried on by ions.
If we start  extracting the charge of the water, then first we will get the charge back of the ions to the plates which will be carried futher as an electron charge into the wires who are hooked up the metal.
The question is then how we get the charge of the freed electrons back on the plates.
If the freed electrons are in contact with the metal already, then we might have a case....
Then we would make gas, which cost a sertain charge, and then we take the rest of the charge, including the freed electrons back and re-use it...
That way we might get a higher efficiency system
Interesting indead.. :D

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« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2010, 18:10:24 pm »
Steve you are indeed starting to understand. But you got confused in that the water will not become H O atoms, but there are ions already in the water and this ions come exclusively from self ionization of water and they are OH- and H+ ions. Basically Stan created a self oscillating resonant circuit in witch he was using the transformer as a coupler that unite the energy coming from the discharge of this ions with the electrostatic energy being applied on to allow the separation of this ions " the voltage ".

So basically he used the transformer with two distinct circuits connected to the same water coupled magnetically.

The graphic of the voltage is ever rising because the more energy you apply the greater the voltage will be and thus the force acting on the ions separation will be increased with the square of the voltage increase. Thus the greater the voltage the greater the ions separation. Now comes the master part... : Is't charge separation = to voltage? Do they not wan't to bring back together and their separation does not mean that it can do work?

Well this is what the electron extraction circuit is there for:

To create a circuit (circuit of inductors transformer and water) that will discharge this energy from the ions back to the transformer each cycle.
During this discharge of the ions electricity that the h2 and O2 are generated  because as they want to recombine together and they are close to he electrode if you short the circuit the electrons will pull out from the OH- also because of the voltage that is working there still on the separation....  successively going to discharge the h+ ions thus forming H2 and O2. In chemistry book here it written as discharging the gases and that opened my mind for this new great idea.

Thats why stan said If you have 100 volts separation of the ions and 100 amps / sec for example of ions... you have 10kw of power of electricity !!!!!!!!!

Do You understand where the power is coming from?
(voltage performing work)

you see?

100 amps means that he is generating almost 4 mols of H2 per hour... and there is that much of energy available..

Did you understood now better?

« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 19:07:51 pm by sebosfato »

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« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2010, 18:31:13 pm »
And is not just that, together with that 10kw there is yet the H2 you created too. .. So a hell of energy in a liter of water.

Things important to  consider:

 A good way to maximize water ionization (from tomlin book i knew that magnetic field is able to do this) but i think that the electric field that we are going to apply already will supply for the least part of energy for the self ionization of water too... whatever i don't know. But now i'm more confident with the stuff stan said about any man with minimal skills in electronics would be able to construct the thing in his own garage. With readily available materials... 

 A mean for forcing the water to flow between the tubes. Witch i believe that is a must have feature.

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« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2010, 19:29:05 pm »
The gas processor worked in similar manner. And thats how stan could have powered his rockets.

Do you see the hell of energy that there is there...

There were  a toy here in brazil called aquamovel witch as a car that you use to put water and a 1,5 volt battery and the car run for a very long time using that tinny battery... And water get consumed... My brother had one. Think to your self destiny irony.

I will explain more clearly another time with the components

Transformer with primary maybe about 50 turns, the secondary (bifilar) about 150 turns, not thin wire, than 1 coil about 100 turns + another coil external witch is variable + A feed back coil to get the resonant signal to lock on the pll... Two igbt that are activated alternately, each one connected to one of the secondary in the manner i'm going to show with the drawing, Basically you create two circuits isolated from each other one for charging the water and the other to discharge the water. i guess is better for observing the effect to not add a load like meyer proposed.
the fact is that the electron extraction circuit witch he showed would not work because the diode shown under is at wrong direction. (misleading propose)

The secret, in the end is this. And also understand the polarity of the coils to correctly create the feed back of the energy...

I think that probably he added a capacitor in parallel with the secondary coil to allow for the discharge and set up the resonant frequency..
I'm not sure of this..