Steve, I know your right, without even looking at the pressure this morning. It was just kind of weird that for about 3 hours it equalize at15.5psi . The same pressure of the initial amount if nitrogen I added. Since there was no additional energy added to the system I wouldn't expect the recombination to occur at such a rate. Yea I knew I had a minor leak. No problem, it will work for the tests I want to run. Has anyone else heard of or built an SM EPG? I haven't seen anything on any threads. If Myers is not a liar or a fraud which I don't believe he is either. Then you all need to read the claims of the patent. In my opinion this is as great or better than hydroxy. Sure seems more easily done as well. If you haven't read those patents you should. OK can anyone help me with the electronic side of things? Thanks RamiKatzs.