How to make HHO cells more efficient.
Its all about increasing the options for the ions and electrons to collide. Besides the electrode space , electrode material, electrode size and type of electrolyte there are more options:
1. Use of RF radiation.
2. Use of Ultra Violet / infrared waves.
Its known as radiolysis. How to implement such a system in our waterfuelcells? The early radio transmitters used a sparkgap for creating radiowaves. We also know that water absorbs waves in the Ultra Violet spectrum. We are lucky. Spark gaps do transmitte radio waves and UV waves!
Now we need to design a cell that is doing basic electrolysis and is using sparks at the same time. It might be even needed to use a 50% duty cycle on both systems, so they don’t interfere with each other.
Meaning: first 50% duty dc on the electrodes and in the off time we create sparks.
The cell can look like this.