Nah Im sure you will not get there , your idea is too crazy and expensive now that you mention 5MW and platinum and tanks . You cant pull off this huge build , I know you will choke .
It has taken me over a year to finish this 3 phase oscillator + 6 channel amplifier , and I have spent 1000 hours and 1000$ , I have restarted 2 times the amplifier when seeing the problematic at hand and understanding what was happening . You dont even have the rest of the $ . I really dont think you can pull this off .
I wont send you 25$ after all , I have my own mosfets to buy anyways .
You should work on something simpler and cheaper and proven like Kapanadze , I dont like the idea of competing with the mother frikkin army and relying on a inventor wich is in it for big contracts .
We have to be adult with ourselves , this concept does not respect the concept of KISS and cheap , you couldnt get this kind of power from your street.
I think you should start asking if you are making good decisions and advancing yoiurself in life with these kind of projects .