Yes its hard to believe that a small amount of gas can go so far.
I originally thought maybe he had just a liter per min.
But this is no ordinary hydroxy or BG.
I'm not absolutely sure but think he said 2H2O2i that came up in a conversation somewhere. But he is also working on Proto7, its completely different.
Anyways the strength in his HHO alignment has substancially more impact than the norm.
They call it ionized.
He pointed out just the rise of the tube over its pair creates an ionization. (1 tube taller than the other). A very good point.
Because of the ionization of the gases, they become heavy so this may easily relate to more density.
Put this gas in a balloon and if the balloon does not float and falls to the earth then this ionized gas can be compressed substancially beyond 60psi.
If the balloon floats its not the right gas and you cannot compress it too far before it implodes/explodes, its been suggested be carefull at 15psi.
Ionization happens only when HV is involved or when photons hit a molecule/atom. Never heard of ionization in any otherway. Even Stan Meyer used a HV device.
The thing is that FFreddy is using lots of terms and i am sure he doesnt know the real meaning of them.
The matter of making more space between 2 electrodes doesnt mean anything except that you get less gas at those points.
I have had many tubes rising higher over others.... Never seen a miracle.
Btw, are you Adam on the other forum?
I watched his video with the 1 tube over and over. The only thing he is changing after he reaches the 3 amps is decreasing duty of his 14.7hz cycle. He keeps on hitting the tube with a very small pulse at the end.
For sure i will buy me 2 seamless tubes and tune them into the same frequency and see what happens after hitting that 3 amp border.