"Please come prove us wrong! New video being shot today should help ease your fears young man. Don't get me wrong: it took 6 months and thousands of dollars to get to this point. Thanks to Stan Myers's video on tube tuning and comments from a fellow youtuber about the lower? voltage happiness factoid, and a few tweaks we found on our own, we produce over 30.8 LPM @ 55amps with the new prototype @ 3.02 volts. So please come to Az for a test drive"----
FutureEnergyConcepts So who wants to go to Arizona? If you're going to call the man a complete liar, at least take him up on his in person challange to prove him wrong. You have a trip to Arizona to lose, but you save the world if it's true. Time to put up or shut up. His offer is on the table. I don't see anyone from this site offering anything like this, ever. The talking part is already through...