Nothing goes easy these days.
Many of you are waiting for a report that says that my system is selfsustaining.
Well, so do I!
I tell you whats going on:
I made an ignition system that works fine.......well............
I works great on the dry aka outside of the engine. It sparks nice when a magnet is hitting the Hallsensor.
When i put the sparkplug back in the engine and start it on petrol, the engine starts working.
Ok, its not running great yet, but after 3 minutes its all done.
The Hallsensor is dead meat.
When i try to run on HHO, its done after 3 turns of even more bad.
I have killed around 20 hallsensors at this moment
Anybody any suggestions why my hallsensors are killed when its mounted on a running engine?
On dry, it works as designed and expected.... Pulled out some of my hairs.......
So, NO. Its not running....yet
In one of my tests, i smoked my Variac... :'( :'( :'( I was pushing it to the max and it didnt like it much..If anybody wants to donate some bucks, then it would help me here out a lot!,1328.0.html Steve