Yes but they also said that they didn't change pistons etc. at the beginning of their tests, only later.
Of course there's the option that everythings faked (not a scam), but after all the work put into this.. hm
@ the articles you posted. Well they are not really helpful. The first one explains why there are many better options for welding than hydrogen/oxygen. The second examines the energy contents of hydrogen/oxygen with known facts from chemistry, of course there is no extra energy to be found.
the only "hope" would be unknown effects of hydrogen/oxygen (probably nascent and probably in combination with some carbon molecules).
When they started, they didnt had a selfrunner.
Just after all the mods, they stated to have a selfrunner.
So, the question is: What did they exactly modify on the valves and cranktiming?
the first 50 second self-run video was done directly after the first run tests with load in april, it was very unstable and had to be adjusted manually to keep it running. then for fun they put the power supply onto the generator and tested, apparently it still run. (that's what i read on the forums afterwards)
they did mail to you more modifications and after that most likely the video from july was shot, in which the generator runs very stable and smooth at all times.
150Wmin per liter is certainly manageable as the commercial electrolyser units are using less energy. They stated themselves that when all current is used for electrolysis and the new Anton design uses 2V/cell they have a 1.23/2 = 61,5% efficient setup regarding energy. Steve's cell needs less then 150Wmin per liter if i remember correctly (thread is in this forum).
I didn't do any tests yet as the generator is still used in the next weeks.