One of the Anton group said something about modifing the engine into a way that the explosion and implosion mustnt work against eachother....
So i went reading.
Don't be confused, they didn't make more changes than ignition timing and waste spark + right air/hho ratio when they first ran it.
Also it's unlikely that HHO will explode and then implode, it's the other around.
The gas implodes to water very fast, but because of the excess heat the water drops get heated to steam again and explode. steam has about the same volume than hho gas so a third (expandable) gas (air) is needed to put the expansion to work.
an ignition degree of 5-8° before TDC (in comparison to the 15-20° with gas(?)) has apparently proven to be the best by the user.
do you get full voltage now with your generator Steve? how much do you consume then?