Author Topic: What I Think Stan is Doing  (Read 26246 times)

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What I Think Stan is Doing
« on: July 01, 2010, 02:45:42 am »
Stan's work can be directly linked to Henry Puharich's water splitting method.  I do believe Stan used two different methods to fracturing the water molecule.  I think he started with the voltage potential method of applying a +v and -v to the plates/tubes, but his final method was the same as Puharich.  Puharich's method involved applying an Amplitude Modulated, AM, signal to the water molecule with a carrier frequency of 62,985Hz with a modulation index of 0.85.  Once he achieved super efficient electrolysis, his frequency had dropped to a center frequency of 3980Hz.  Puharich explains that the first effect felt by the water molecule is in the protons of the i(H1), i(H2) vector.  These protons feel the 3.8 to 2.8 second cycling of the amplitude of the carrier frequency and it associated side bands. This sets up a rotation of the proton magnetic movement as a hysteresis loop.  The hysteresis loop gives a vivid portrayal of the Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation, NMR, cycle of the protons in water. The NMR rate, 1/T, is the 3rd subharmonic of 2, i.e. 0.25 secs.
The next effect felt by the water molecule is the resonant frequency of the frequency generator, fo.  At peak efficiency of electrolysis the value of f= 600 Hz (+- 5Hz).  Holding the resonant frequency at 600 Hz is the gap distance between the center electrode and the rim of the outer electrode.  The carrier frequency wave is being amplitude modulated by audio frequencies sweeping over the range 20 Hz to 200 Hz, and this gives rise to a set of side bands in the power spectrum of the carrier frequency.  It is these side bands which give rise to an acoustic vibration of the liquid water, and the tetrahedral water molecule and hence to the phonon term term - a quantum unit of vibration, and to the hydron term - a tetrahedral unit of water. 

Puharich goes on to say that the harmonic RF Bands are continuous from 2^10, 2^11...., etc to 2^21 Hz.   Dispersion around these and the other bands will follow the 12th square of 2 rule for side band intervals.  1/0.125 is the phase velocity difference between the velocities of the orbits of the proton vs. the electrons.  The first and second harmonic ( 0.25 Hz and 0.5 Hz) of this fundamental are used in the cycling of the amplitude modulation during peak efficiency hydrolysis.

Below are some of Puharich's diagrams and figures


The pictures below are Stan Meyer's waveforms you be the judge to if he was copying Puharich's work!!!
The above photo is the waveform generated by Stan Meyer's actual plate cell setup (8XA circuit).

The above photo is a frequency analysis of the waveform.

This is my representation of Stan's waveform as it is Amplitude Modulated over a 3 sec. period.

-Tony Woodside-
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 06:30:33 am by TonyWoodside »

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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 04:27:20 am »
I think we should start gathering Puharich's patents, documents, videos and other information, from the water splitting and hearing technologies. The circuit he used for hearing is the same circuit used for his water splitting device.

With the combination of clues from Stan's work, and Puharich's work, it gives more details to complete the picture. There are clear similarities between the two processes, and then definite advancements in Stan's system. They both have a different style and perspective on the way to explain and go about activating the water splitting process. Same with Stephen, they all provide different clues, and information to this technology.

Understanding what is the same, and what is different between the devices of these people is only going to help us along in developing this process.

I have already confirmed with Tony the appearance of the 3980 Hz frequency activity in my 8XA set up.

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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 06:06:43 am »
Fortunately your not the first to know about this. There is already collections of his patents on many boards.
You may also be interested to know that Puharich's work was medically based as a means of removing blood clots, from memory.

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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 06:25:45 am »
Yea I've also known this for awhile. Just thought I would share what I know about this. I have a copy of a really interesting book that Puharich wrote that was never published. He explains a lot about his system and the frequencies being used, he later found out that the side bands created by his frequencies where 8Hz. He says this is a very important frequency in splitting the water molecule.

-Tony Woodside-

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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 11:23:58 am »
Holding the resonant frequency at 600 Hz is the gap distance between the   center electrode and the rim of the outer electrode.
Thanks for the diagrams and figures, TonyWoodside

What gap distance are we talking about here? Puharich was using a special designed "Thermodynamic Device" and droplets of water. Looks like Stans water injector type.

Also would it be nice to read unpublished material about Puharich work!


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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 14:12:34 pm »
Here are videos of puharich:,1154.0.html

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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 15:52:04 pm »
I think we should start gathering Puharich's patents, documents, videos and other information, from the water splitting and hearing technologies. The circuit he used for hearing is the same circuit used for his water splitting device.

With the combination of clues from Stan's work, and Puharich's work, it gives more details to complete the picture. There are clear similarities between the two processes, and then definite advancements in Stan's system. They both have a different style and perspective on the way to explain and go about activating the water splitting process. Same with Stephen, they all provide different clues, and information to this technology.

Understanding what is the same, and what is different between the devices of these people is only going to help us along in developing this process.

I have already confirmed with Tony the appearance of the 3980 Hz frequency activity in my 8XA set up.

Can you please be more specific?
What do you mean with your confirmation of the 3980hz frequency?
Did you spot an increase of production?

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Re: What I Think Stan is Doing
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2010, 18:18:11 pm »

If I remember correctly the gap distance was 14mm.   Here is a link to a PDF copy of Puharich's unpublished book
He talks more about the water splitter starting around page 150.

-Tony Woodside-