Author Topic: Voltage Intensifier Circuit  (Read 67956 times)

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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #88 on: May 09, 2010, 13:53:09 pm »
Primary is connected:
Pulsing Circuit - Primary 1 Start - Primary 1 End - Primary 2 Start - Primary 2 End - Ground
Read the wikipedia on it, I did that just before I decided to do it bifilar. The only reason was to make it easier to wind, since I am putting two turns on at a time instead of one turn, so it's twice as fast.

haithar, lots of people have said lots of things, and Stan says there is resonance, so I want to find the resonance he is talking about, want to help me? :D

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #89 on: May 09, 2010, 19:19:28 pm »
I think your frequency range on your pulsing circuit is not in the rang of resonance for my cell and my chokes. I want to get my hands on an LC meter and figure out where resonance might be, and then I'll try and get my pulsing circuit set up in that range. Gating needs to be experimented with too.

I need to do more work on my all-in-one VIC to get it working like I want...

It's spring cleaning time, lots of computer monitors on the curb, everyone go get some flyback cores.
i'm pretty sure that i've said this before, but if you are looking for series resonance in a resonant circuit. there is none, because of the blocking diode. or are you talking about some other 'resonance' phenomena?

Hrm... Interesting. The resonance takes place in the choke, "It has its own resonance freq" No matter if anything is connected to it. Voltage Potential Forms around this choke while the choke resonates.

This potential, As claimed by stan somehow effects the water molecule.

If you could Imagine this.

A rod 6 Feet deep in the earth. The end of the Rod coming from the ground is connected directly to a the inlet of an Coil, The outlet of the coil is connected to a 1 terminal of a fuel cell rather than an antenna.

Some way, the other fuel cell adjasent from the one the coil is connected to ,, "Somehow" also gains a voltage potential. By Doing this HV can be read directly across tap water. It is this HV stan speaks so much about, But at this point in time HV is proved to be across the water, Its just not pulling it apart.

Perhaps the Choke described, the one connected to the rod in the ground should be Tuned into water with a windshield wiper like tuning method?

If you think about it, its not that far from how a microwave oven works.

Haith, "If the diode didn't block" Hv would not be possible within the tuning choke as it would be loaded down. However we use a diode and because of that HV is allowed to form.

On the Pulse off time, It is like the Potential is coming from somewhere other than the Vic, Coming from the Choke for sure, and somehow the "surroundings" rather than the step up transformer.

I say spend less time letting it confuse you, and more time trying to figure out why it does what it is doing, and debate it from that point of view rather than the other. 

So Yes, We are talking about some other Form of resonance, A resonance between the choke and the water with the universe inbetween. How do you put an LC meter on that.

I would also Like to add.

I once smoked a Choke due to RF waves, using  very little current flow, In the 10 MA range.
If one can manage to smoke a Choke using only 10 MA, Then would it not be also possible to pull water apart using the same amount of power?

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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #90 on: May 09, 2010, 21:54:55 pm »
It is this HV stan speaks so much about, But at this point in time HV is proved to be across the water, Its just not pulling it apart.

i find this quote from a couple of stans videos significant to finding the solution..

" No one ever dreamed of using opposite electrical voltage, Being pulsed in a sequential mode in order to perform the work to split the water molecule in a simple physical process. Now isnt that amazing?"

the pulsed in sequential mode needs to be understood  opposite electric voltage we know this, pulsed in sequential mode we dont understand..   what value is being sequenced during pulsing? the potenial, or the frequency... 

in red neck terms, you cant just put a truck in 5th gear and expect to let go of the clutch and have the truck going 60 mph... but you can follow a sequence of gears to achieve 0-60 in a few seconds..

i think this is also why stan used more then 1 tube for production.. he knew he wanted to be able to make gas on demand and he knew there was a delay in the sequential mode to increase production??? so maybe he countered that buy haveing more then one tube.??

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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #91 on: May 10, 2010, 19:22:59 pm »
I've thought about it,, And this is what you need to do..

Just use 1 choke on the negative terminal.. Do not use Biffilar etc,,.

To "Re-Test" each of your chokes, Including mine do the following.

Lick your pinkie and thumb on same hand. Apply pinkie on one terminal of choke and thumb on the other, As if your hand is in parallel with the choke. Tune the circuit until you feel it start to Jolt you, With the light not being used in the circuit.

2. Test All chokes, And note its affects on your hand, and go from there.

3. Chokes That will not work with the circuit will not jolt you, As you will notice. Test My choke against yours and report back, Doing the above method.

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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #92 on: May 10, 2010, 20:45:27 pm »
How do you expect the circuit to work with only the negative choke?

I'm testing the spark gap now, more details later.

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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #93 on: May 10, 2010, 23:19:22 pm »
That choke I sent should have only contained 1 "One" coil. I mentioned that I had forgotten I wired a second choke Very un-neatly over the one that I meant for you to test. Now you have a sloppy choke on top of the choke you was suppost to test. The sloppy choke should be removed immediately  .

"Get rid of the sloppy choke" which covers the choke on the core.

1. The choke goes on the negative lead.
2. No choke belongs on the positive lead, "After the diode" During the test of "My Setup." Where the Choke On the negative lead is a "Tuning Choke" and the Choke on the positive lead is not, Not needed for this test.

"With the completely constructed Vic I sent you," As mentioned wet your Pinkie and Thumb with circuit intact and light sit aside unconnected. Tune the circuit Till it jolts you a bit with fuel cell "Containing only tap water intact, This is one of the special behaviors of that choke, If the choke jolts or tingles you, "It passes" if it does not, Its not a good choke.

Put the oem setup back together and re test as it should have been tested, Then after this start inserting your very own chokes on the "negative lead only."

This is how the cores should be tested, 1 by 1.

The Tuning Choke at the negative and the Choke after the diode does not contain the same freq. We have not yet added the "Resonating tuning choke" to the other "Positive choke" for combination yet, As when you have a negative Choke "at resonance" and a positive choke at a "diff freq", This could be another key in tuning into water, I haven't explored that area yet, Only the tuning choke area and in there voltage comes without Biff, It comes for a choke at "Resonance" with itself.


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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #94 on: May 11, 2010, 05:34:19 am »
yea i'll test it, but you need both chokes in the end

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Re: Working Voltage Intensifier Circuit
« Reply #95 on: May 11, 2010, 08:06:47 am »
Agreed... One step at a time..