Having the "Isolated ground" connected to a different ground outlet is having the same effects with the light when i attach it to the computer power supply ground, so the interesting thing is that the secondary/choke should be grounded.
Also, i can have the secondary grounded to the power supply ground, and the second choke grounded to the other wall outlet, that works too.
I opened up the cap on the cell and stuck a wire into the water, then attached the light to the end of that wire, and it lights up when i touch it, able to measure high voltage across the light and to the water from ground...
so the water is... charged? it's distilled so it's an insulator, and the voltage travels through the water... wave guide? electric field traveling through the water bath... maybe why Delrin is used to contain it to the water gap
i turned on my computer speakers, and they make the same sound as the frequency from the circuit when close by, picking up the interference from the em-waves
What is going on with your chokes warp!?... and your step up transformer... they are doing interesting things...!
Some day i'm going to take this outside and shove a metal rod into the ground and test that as a real earth ground, see what that does for me.
Still have yet to change back to tap water, then i can do all these tests again.