I quoted myself, Remove that crappy choke on the choke core I sent. I completely forgot I left that on there. The choke under the tape is what I used, the one over that is where I was just playing with. I don't recommend Biffilar. Just use the 1 choke under the tape and forget the other one.
Please remember, Conductive Tap water, If you have water thats too clean add salt or something. You are proving high voltage in a dead short condition as stan states. We are not looking at gas production here. We are looking at the (potential) which MAY contain an push pull effect on the (Atomic Level.)
Once the water has voltage across it, (you can play with the voltage) to whatever freq you desire. Also, this circuit doesn't put 200 Thousand volts across the water, about 2k.
Once this circuit is understood, A higher potential circuit should be constructed. I hope you can point out the voltage behavior across tap water with and without the choke, and by removing my choke and trying your own chokes. See how many chokes you can get to work.
As I recall, finding the choke to gain such voltages across tap water is not easy at all, its like finding a needle in a haystack. Perhaps you have a Gold mine of great chokes? If you find some that works as mine works, Please do feel free to share with someone else so they can Too experience this.
We want to know if you can find a choke to like the bulb in parallel with your cells. This is what I am waiting to hear from you, I'm excited to hear if you have any chokes there that can do this across the tap water, Because As I said I tested many chokes and only that very one choke worked the rest Failed!
As I mentioned, that big transformer is (Weak.) The choke I sent was on a step up transformer, And it was a (Very Nasty) one. It is not really a Bigger setup that will gain the applied 200k, it is the Rato and choke. You see,
You're using a sorry transformer with a great choke, I know that transformer is weak. But, The choke is no good without a transformer. The transformer was removed from the core and a choke was inserted on it, (Voltage potential came.)
The choke core can only hold under 570 wraps of 36 awg, it cant be a ratio of 6. You see, A bigger core would be needed to go to greater voltage potentials, But the big transformer is nothing compared to the little one. The Target goal here is to find the proper cores so you can get whatever size core you desire. Once you establish this foundation you can start making super vic's/Powerfull.
The Tested Choke under the Black Tap may very well contain (Arc areas from abuse.) This can stall voltage points. I admit smoking that choke contained on that core, its arced out but still works. If you replace the wire on the core just the way I have it, you may get higher readings, or you may not. Voltage is produced by the choke and surrounds the choke during operation, Laying it on a table could fry it, Which is why I wrapped it just before I sent it to dynoden.
There are a Few Basics you must learn with (Tap water) before you move on to Distilled.
So the choke I sent was once a very powerfull transformer, It almost had a ratio of 6 just as in stans patents. Its no longer a transformer. If you manage to find a choke that works up to what i state, Then take my core and turn it back into a transformer, the circuit will be powerful.
Chokes of this type try to arc, Protective coating gets blown off the wire and it starts to arc, which is what happened to that choke core you have. When it arcs it lowers the voltage, its probably arcing under the tap and you don't see it.
Grounds is important, as mentioned. Arcs can shock you at ground points. There is allot to be learned from this circuit.