Before I forget. Don't get your heart set on that big Brick of a transformer you have. Its a Dead core.
If you remove the wire from the choke of mine you have, (72 or 74 wraps) you can wire a very small secondary on there first, with a 24 gauge primary over that. Then you will have a step up transformer more powerful than the big transformer you're using now. Only Do this if you are certain you can gain Kilo volts across many tubes with "other chokes." So don't sacrafice My choke unless you're sure you have another choke that will perform the same or close.
The current transformer you're using is not a good step up transformer, It is weak. We are currently seeing somewhere around 2k volts, 200kv should be targeted later on.
Also note, U will always get the light to work on 1 of the terminals when testing the choke. A Good choke will light the light on Both terminals, Not just one. And also, the lite should be Connected Directly in parallel with the fuel cell, No matter the number of tubes used it should glow. Current flow is forbidded in this setup.
When the voltage is present, there is no current flow.
when the current is present, there is no voltage potential.
The current, and the voltage appears to oscillate, Missing each other.