Author Topic: Voltage Intensifier Circuit  (Read 67953 times)

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2010, 23:10:29 pm »
I took a coil of 30 feet, 18 gage speaker wire, which is bifilar, and un-wrapped it so i could get the bottom end out, then re-wrapped it, and put my big fly back core around it, which just happened to fit nicely. Not sure how many turns... I could have counted but didn't, not sure how many layers either.

Hooked it up, maxes out the volt meter at every frequency, can't get a reading at all... it's making some gas.

My other chokes have about 15 feet for each wire, 56 turns, so this coil might have 100 turns give or take a bunch.

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2010, 23:39:07 pm »
Another video

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2010, 02:04:01 am »
Excellent work Donald and Warp! Thank you for the info!

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2010, 06:21:05 am »
interresting effect , my multimeter fluke type  stays at the same voltage no matter the frequency of a 50/50 pulse wave , voltage obviously stays the same , but that looks to me like the voltage is going up as you turn the freq.o erroneous measuring by the meter .

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2010, 06:27:22 am »
I imagine the voltage is changing with the freq.

More videos on my channel, splitting distilled water

Here's one of the new ones:

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2010, 08:09:16 am »
My memory is bad, But if it serves me right,,, Do not go over Half a Amp Dynoden, or 0.7 "To the best of my memory."

There is Little current flow to the coil transformer at the Frequency.

I never ran the circuit to the point the fet would heat, Never. Also, I completely Forgot about the second choke I had wrapped around the small choke,, Do not use that. From the best of my memory,, Use the Smaller Primary on the transformer. The polarity of the Transformer must be right as well as the output polarity. The choke goes after the negative, Not after the diode. The Ground, It goes inbetween the choke and transformer.

Also, When kilivolts are across the cell, No amp flow is present, A Analogue voltage meter can not be used, I'm not 100% sure you can use a digital one either. Research The test lamp, How many volts does it take to excite the atoms in the tube on startup. Those atoms in the tube is triggered by voltage. I'm thinking when you hit a certain point, You'll realize why the voltage meters don't do so well. Note, I mentioned before about the coil in the voltage meter being in parallel with the fuel  cell and how it affected the circuit, it throws it off when you add the anolugue meters coil to the circuit. The digital meter is also hit by Rf waves, You may even get a 500 amp reading, It can not be trusted. You'll have to use scientific methods to determine that the voltage is indeed high. I hope you hit this voltage potential, Put the Bulb i sent In parallel with the Tube cell, let it light. "Play with the Right pot more than the left." and try to stay away from 2 or more amps, I don't recall going over half amp, perhaps ((360 MA)). The lamp tends to bring the Voltage down, Use the Light to gain such voltage, Remove it to examine the circuit.

Also Dynodon, You can see Plasma between the Ground Point and the ground wire when being arced, And when the ground wire isn't present, Sometimes you can see sparks from the tip of your finger to where the ground point is when the ground is not connected. Turn the lighting down to try and see this.

EDIT,, Tune the left pot to a Farly High Freq, Almost maxed, But not all the way. Tune the right pot afterwords to crawl upward, you should hit a point around 300 MA to 400 MA, Play in those areas.

Please do not overlook, those pots should have been replaced as well. They have dead spots in them if they're the ones I sent. Its ok to play with 2 amps briefly, But it can be sit to run overnight at what I stated, the millamp range.

When I ran the circuit, I used Millamps, For great videos Its ok to turn up the current. But the Honest circuit doesn't use very much current.

I am not sure which Primary coil I used, I'm thinking the small one, I just can not remember anything about that setup. Have fun with it, And read what I qouted.

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2010, 08:39:06 am »
Before I forget. Don't get your heart set on that big Brick of a transformer you have. Its a Dead core.

If you remove the wire from the choke of mine you have, (72 or 74 wraps) you can wire a very small secondary on there first, with a 24 gauge primary over that. Then you will have a step up transformer more powerful than the big transformer you're using now. Only Do this if you are certain you can gain Kilo volts across many tubes with "other chokes." So don't sacrafice My choke unless you're sure you have another choke that will perform the same or close.

The current transformer you're using is not a good step up transformer, It is weak. We are currently seeing somewhere around 2k volts, 200kv should be targeted later on.

Also note, U will always get the light to work on 1 of the terminals when testing the choke. A Good choke will light the light on Both terminals, Not just one. And also, the lite should be Connected Directly in parallel with the fuel cell, No matter the number of tubes used it should glow. Current flow is forbidded in this setup.

When the voltage is present, there is no current flow.
when the current is present, there is no voltage potential.
The current, and the voltage appears to oscillate, Missing each other.

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Re: Re: Testing of Warps chokes
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2010, 11:44:25 am »
Don I noticed that you are using a tv flyback core as the chokes core. And you are having hv across  the water cap.  So we can clearly confirm that the core material is noting special. Tv flybacks can be easily salvaged. Also I suggest that you try another voltmeter to be sure, or oscilloscope with a hv probe.
