webmug, that was measured as you can see in the youtube video, with the cell connected, measured from power supply ground to one side of the cell, also measured in between the plates, and across the tube light, in any case it's easy to get 400-500-900-maxed meter voltage reading... so i don't know exactly how this is working, it's not like a normal AC step up... I'd love to have a scope to check the input and output wave forms, it's on the list to purchase!
is the ESL transformer a WFC thing or another project? It doesn't come to mind but it sounds like it would be fun to work with.
At a guess, I figure it's not letting out more than 25 mA to the cell, give or take a bit, based on the gas production. The gas production is just from the amp leakage.... still working on finding resonance where the "water molecule just falls apart" as Stan says in the NZ video...
Which brings me to the Delrin Insulated Resonant Cell, which will be coming soon.