Hi everyone!
As you might have understood I have started practicing Falun Gong(FG) or "Falun Dafa" as the professionals call it. I have practiced for 6 months and I have eradicated all my former health issues including allergy, I have much more energy and optimism in daily life. In addition I have become much more succesful at work... One might believe this is all coincidences but i tend not to believe in those..
Falun Gong is the "real deal" according to my opinion and I recommend everyone in here to take a serious look at it in any case:
Falun Gong is based on "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" and is practiced "in real life". It is no religion and has no religious forms such as buildings, priests, membership or fees. Anyone can come and go tot he practice sites as he or she wishes to.
In july of 1999 the CCP(Chinese Communis Party) started massive persecution of Falun Gong in China calling it an "evil cult". Anyone who has any idea of what Falun Gong really is know that is a massive lie from evil people who are afraid of loosing power in China to any organization that attracts many people. They put out a lot of false claims on the web about Falun Gong and Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong and the best person I can think of.
Interestingly Nostradamus predicted that the devil would start persecuting goodness in july 1999....
Falun Gong is a practice which aims at cultivating your heart and mind while staying "normal" in society, preferably keeping a job and a family. "Self-cultivation" means that you try to get rid of your attachments to worldly matters like money, power, self, material posessions, sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, jealousy, competition etc etc.
By doing this practice you will get stronger, healthier and more happy. Every time I get rid of an attachment I will feel physical changes, like I am purified inside my body..
In Falun Gong everything is for free, all books are free for download, the exercises can be learned on Youtube and group exercise is for free.
At the moment more than 100 million people practice despite the persecution in China.
I welcome anybody in here to learn more about the practice before the predestined events that will come.
Here is the master piece in Falun Gong:
More here:
www.clearwisdom.netIn case one wants to practice that is great and the best but many people do not have the inclinatin to do it right now. In that case it is enough to know that Falun Dafa is good and that the persecution in China of these practitioners is terribly wrong.
Any questions are welcome.