Ok, now that I finished the bike generator I will start testing some new stuff.
I don't believe that one can generate enough HHO to self run an ICE, I know I know, there are some videos on youtube trying to prove other wise. but I think they are fake. Believe or not it is very very easy to make a video and to show an ICE running on nothing but AIR. The trick is to add gasoline in the crank case. the engine will then run on the gasoline vapor. so now you know that it is very easy to fake an ICE running on any amount of HHO.
I do still have some hope in running an engine on HHO, but not in pure hho. I think a new gas needs to be created.
not sure what that new gas will be, but something containing small amount of HHO + water vapor and nitrogen.
so my new quest starts here...