not sure what you mean, i read in the patents that the vic is used to make thermal explosive energy on demand without the use of a fuel cell. i strongly doubt that the vic you see in the patent is the actual vic.
thermal means HOT. i ran a test on super heated water, i can say that with high sparks it does make balls of flames, but the flames come and go, i really didn't see how it would be useful, i didn't have it under compression either though.
i think stanley still has me confused, the way he uses the steam resonator is alot like the kelvin water drop generator, but also he has his vic mixed in with it, then again he dont, he is very confusing! im still kinda lost, but it would be good to compare the steam resonator to the kelvins water drop generator.
i have used a high voltage TV coil and a coke bottle cap full of water, i managed to get a flame under water for some time, and i noticed the water got so hot it started to steam, i've tried to do it again several times with no succes, i was using the lawton circuit to pulse the transformer with both timers in use, from the best of my memery i hit the frequency with the cap labeled 103k, and the first timer just made slower pulses.
after i got the flame under the water and removed the coil, the water turned white, and it had what looked like toilet paper in it, hrmm.
EDIT: OH yes, i see what you're asking now, yes the vic is all that is needed to run a car on water according to stan, he will screw the vic into the car, it replaces the plugs, he has a water line going to the vic as well as a coil wire, and i think he has an external device hooked to the vice, not to sure. you should see the video, try youtube, i forget what its called but it tells you alot about it.