Typical result ...
I learned the hard way about poower amp technology commutation and the need of continuous conduction on an linear device like a transistor , class AB or B doesnt give a pure sine current waveform . Thus I have redesigned a transformer class A push pull using cutting edge mosfet technology , with 6 transformers now totally immitating the ac of an magnetic circuit and what I call a true neutral point .
I have my theory on how the little particles work , take a small shape , any shape , enlarge it alot and you still end up with the same shape , you can create clusters @ the nodes , and you can oscillate the superstructure @ the nodes . This is how I believe orgone can be harvested by water , with the proper structure .
That is my take on the Stephen Meyers configuration , each node is scalar to keep the stucture intact and in circular oscillation .
If what we want is a structural failure in the water , we need this to be in a structure , resonance and power has to get stored somewhere and accumulated . If everything is all messed up and loose you only dissipate that power in that unorganized mess .