Hi members,
I have a case here. Please try to help me out here.
The story is as follows.
I got an energymeter from Cresta which was tested a Best Buy in a consumertest. This meter was most correct in his measurements.
I put the meter between the 230V wandoutlet and my lab variable powersupply. On this PS are an ampmeter and a voltmeter.
After doing tests with Strait dc and also with a setup with 50% pulses and new coils it was very difficult to say what the powerconsumtion was in these tests.
What i did was keeping the watts on the energymeter on 60watts.
The reading from my PS display where between the 2.5v till 9v and most of the time on 2A.
Question: is the energy meter right because it includes the whole powersupply or should i use the PS readings?
My first impression is to choose for the energy meter.
If thats the right way of measuring then i have good news for you

Strait dc vs 50% duty vs 50% with diodes and coils.....
All tests did 60watts on the energy meter.
The coils setup was a winner....