Hello you all i'm coming up right now with info that anyone though before!
I solved the injector!
What happens when a conductor moves cutting a magnetic field?
A voltage is developed! in a direction 90° from the magnetic field lines and 90° from the movement!
What happen when we have water under a very high pressure and make it to pass thru a 0,40 mm diameter hole?
It will pass thru it at a very high speed!
water is not conductive thus ( the ionized gases were needed in the injector to create the conduction )
Lets say you have a 0,40 mm hole 6cm long (it will have a volume = to 7,5 ul ( the amount stan said was injecting for each injection cycle in each cylinder) accordingly to the volume of a cylinder calculation =((diameter/2)^2)*High)
Now you need to inject it in only 2ms what will be the speed of the water?
answer (6cm/0,002)*(7,5-7,4) ((volume of the tube - the amount of water to be injected) (this result is = to how many times the tube will fill per injection) well the result is almost 3000cm/sec
Now if you cut a magnetic flux of 15.000 gauss with water at this speed you will develop 1,7volts witch together with the ionized gas and a catalyzer element and resonance will actually crack the water!!!
Enjoy Freedom!
Now you just need to develop a certain pressure inside the tank, (only about 4 liters of water will be consumed in one hour thus even very high pressure will cost very low energy) and solenoids to do all the work...
What about this?

after 2010 years we can again walk on water...haha
Best Regards to you all
Donations are welcome! you find link on my you tube channel
Did you know that 7,4 ul of water = 13ml of gas h2+02 witch represents 3,33% of the 400cc cylinders meyer were using.
Yes he used positively ionized ambient gas...
He created the injectors to simplify and lower the costs