Who advised not to use a resistance behind the cathode? That seems weird, for what the result of the coating is adding resistance to the cathode. It just appears to me that passivization or whatever it's called, is the hard way of going about it. Do you by any chance have another tube set to compare to in different trial setups? It would be enlightening to see the same effects with much less work, wouldn't it? I think you are doing a great job of experimenting instead of armchair antics which we see all to often. Hats off to you sir!
P.S. I didn't mean to add resistance to the passivated cathode, I was implying to skip the passivation process by just using a resistance in a similar fashion to get the same results. Using current to resist current... Quite a strange concept to me.
Ah now i see what you are talking about, i thought you were talking about a resistor added in series on the negative side.
Indeed the coating creates a resistance on the cathode as it's non conducting and limiting the current to a certain degree over time. I have by far not the coating intensity seen in Aaron's or Ravi's videos.
It seems that you cannot simply add saran wrap to inhibit current and create gas (whatever type it is and properties it may have) instantly, did that already and even at voltages above 600V nothing happened really. Same thing with > 10kV, see the water fracture apparatus thread for that.
I'm not even sure about the bifilar in series as it was added to the later Lawton circuit, probably because Meyer did it that way, but there is no blocking diode and the coating-setup is somewhat different from Meyers. Also in the Free-Energy PDF it states that Dave Lawton tried the circuit without inductor and alternator and it worked as good as before.
I do have two different tubes, the first being conditioned for two weeks already and the others were put into use some days ago. Unfortunately i have no way of putting it into a sealed container and measure the difference in gas production, it seems visually that the conditioned tube produces more at the same current, but i really can't say if it is true.
I also cannot say how the efficiency really is and if the charged water cluster observation in the pdf is true then it's not electrolysis anyway and efficiency calculation not possible with faraday's law.
It would be interesting to find out what the white coating and what the brown muck is.
Further experimenting will be delayed as i now have 10 hour-days at university for the week and a full weekend